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The Good Shepherd

Catholic Primary School

“I am the Good Shepherd; I know my own and my own know me”. John 10:14"

Branch 1 Creation & Covenant

In this first branch of our religious teaching we hear how God made our beautiful world and everything in it, including us.  We learn that the Bible is a special book and hear that when God created the world He said: "Indeed it is very good", Genesis 1:31.  We hear how the whole of creation shows God's love for us in Laudato Si' 84-88.  We hear and practise the words and actions of the sign of the cross throughout the day:  In the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.  The children come to believe that God is love; that He made each one of us and loves each one of us as a unique person.  God loves us and we are part of His family.  God tells us that we must take good care of all of creation.  We are to be stewards of creation - it is an extremely important job.  We celebrate God's family and recall how we entered it through Baptism.  We give thanks to God by reflecting on creation and responding to its glory through art, drama, dance, music, meditation and prayer.  We learn to live out our faith by loving ourselves, our family, God's world and others.  We learn through Catholic Social Teaching about the Dignity of the Human Person; that God made each one of us and each one of us is special ; we must treat others in a caring way because God made them too. 



The children learned that God made them and that God says we are 'good'. We thought about what it means to be loved by God and how we can show our love to others in our families at home, at school, in our community and in the wider world.

The children learned that their baptism invited them to be part of God's family.

We learned that lots of the food we love to eat is grown by farmers very far away in countries in Africa, Asia and South America. These farmers do not always get paid properly for their hard work and produce. We learned about Fairtrade, an organisation that makes sure farmers get paid properly and fairly. We went to our local Co-op in Askew Road in search of the Fairtrade symbol. We were pleased that we found it on lots of items. We are going to persuade our parents to choose Fairtrade whenever they see it. We gave a presentation to Year 6 children and told them to tell their parents to do the same!

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OUTSTANDING OFSTED 2024 'With Love at the core of all we do at The Good Shepherd we: Learn to Love together, Love to Learn together, pray together and play together. Putting our faith into action. Growing in the Love and Truth of Christ in His Church for the benefit of all.'