“I am the Good Shepherd; I know my own and my own know me”. John 10:14"
Year 1 thoroughly enjoyed their Geography school trip to Wendell Park with Urbanwise. They partook in a workshop called 'Mini Mappers' where they found signs and thought about their meanings, revised the four points of a compass and had the chance to create their very own map of the park using pieces from nature. We had an amazing time!
Year 1 learnt all about the country of Poland for international week! We looked at Poland on the map and worked out the countries that surround Poland. We made a collage, coloured in the Polish flag, learnt about the national flower, tried our best at a wordsearch and listened to some traditional tales from Poland.
In our Geography lessons we are learning about Spatial Sense. We have spent time looking at maps, and today, we drew our own Treasure Map! For Golden Time, we followed a treasure map of the school until we reached the hidden treasure! We enjoyed eating the hidden treasure we found!
Year 1 have really enjoyed cooking with our specialist cookery teacher! They are learning many new skills.
During this term, Year 1 are focusing on developing their fundamental movement skills. This includes, balancing, climbing, jumping, running and walking skills. They are really enjoying using our apparatus in the school hall every week!
Here are some pictures of Year 1 enjoying the maths activities we do in addition to their Maths No Problem workbooks!
Hello parents,
Please see below the Knowledge Organisers for our topics this term in Year 1! They outline the different things we will be learning about in the upcoming weeks. :)
The children learned about the process of working collaboratively together, each adding a feature to the paper plate and passing it on. They found it difficult at first to work with what they were given rather than stick with their own creation but as time went on they went with it and enjoyed watching a wonderful new face materialise!
In this session, the children learned to cut a face shape by snipping the corners off a recycled, rectangular piece of card. They practised their fine motor skills, but also learned and used new mathematical language. Once they'd snipped the 4 corners off the rectangle, they'd made an octagonal shape. If they snipped those corners off, the got an almost perfect face-shaped oval. They added details to the face using other recycled and found objects and soon had a puppet. They then used clay, rolling it and flattening it out and using bottle tops, sticks and straws to make the features.
In our last session, the children used all the techniques they'd learned to make relief faces and coat them in ink in order to make prints using the large, mechanical etching press. Every child had the opportunity to turn the handle and see the end result. They are looking forward to a visit from their parents to show them the new skills they have learned.
Welcome to Reception 2022/23
Our curriculum map for the first half of this autumn term explains how we're developing the children's skills and knowledge across the early years curriculum. Our first topic is 'Who am I?'. We find out about each other, investigate what we need to have healthy teeth and bodies.
Our workshops at Kite Studios, looking at artists' portraits and making our own, has been a fantastic launch for this topic.
On Thursday we noticed a layer of sand all over the nursery garden. We learned that it had come all the way from Africa, having blown across the sea and Europe. We had noticed the sky looked unusual on Wednesday just before we went home.
We helped clear it up. It was very very fine like dust.
Professor Dynamite told us about how explosions happen. We found out that they need fuel, oxygen and heat.
We loved watching Professor Dynamite and our friends making explosions happen. We were a great audience and he was a great professor.
We have learnt about growing plants. We know that they need water and sunshine to thrive. We have planted potatoes in the garden and hope to harvest them in the summer. We put beans in to jars and we can see them growing already. Soon we will plant them in the garden. Our cress is less successful. We need to plant some more perhaps. The rocket we planted looks delicious already. We can't believe it grows so quickly.
We had great fun sharing our books with our
friends and guessing who everyone was dressed up as.
Welcome Back
Spring Term 2022
We enjoyed the chance to get outside in November before the really cold weather set in. We used the garden to the full. Running, climbing, using nature for our number work and playing really well with our friends. It was also Road Safety Week so we made a zebra crossing for our busy bike area.
We dressed up as our favourite saint for All Saints Day. Can you guess who we are?
Pumpkins have provided us with lots of fun and food. We practised our hammering skills and our counting with them. Then we scooped them out and ate the delicious soup that we helped to make. We have also been counting leaves and conkers and sticks.
Since half term we have been learning all about Autumn. We have been battling the leaves and the wind in the garden.
We had lots of fun this week making individual pizza face. We talked about the parts of our faces and then used vegetables to decorate our pizzas with a mouth, eyes and a nose.
During this half term we have been listening to and performing lots of poetry from our favourite Michael Rosen. His book "A Great Big Cuddle" has really inspired us to find rhymes and to explore and play with language. We've even been trying to make up our own poems.
Here is a link to one of the poems we have enjoyed the most:
Oh Dear https://youtu.be/TdDWvgX4q0I
This week in RE we have been learning about all the wonderful animals that God has given us. We have painted and drawn animals, looking at photos and models of them very closely.
We continued to find out about our senses. We have been smelling and talking about different aromas, trying to identify the mystery foods.
We have also been finding out about our teeth and how to look after them. We used mirrors to look at our own teeth and to count them. Then we made paper mouths and teeth. We have been practising brushing some model teeth and we have been given a toothbrush and some toothpaste to take home.
Have a look at the photos below.
This week has been all about fruit. We tasted different fruits and then we did observational paintings of them. The home corner became a greengrocer’s shop for the week. We read Oliver’s Fruit Salad, Handa’s Surprise and Oliver’s Milkshake. On Friday we finished off by making delicious strawberry and banana milk shakes. Everyone thought they were very tasty.
As promised here are some photos of us enjoying our first two weeks in Nursery. Here we are eating lunch in our nursery classroom. We are looked after at lunch by Leanne and Anna every day.
Below these, you will see our first baking activity. We made fairy cakes last week with Miss Backshall. They were yummy. This week we baked with Jenny. We enjoyed those too.
We have had a busy first week, meeting our new friends, finding our way around the nursery classroom and exploring the garden. You will soon be able to see photos of us on this page.
Watch this space!