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The Good Shepherd

Catholic Primary School

“I am the Good Shepherd; I know my own and my own know me”. John 10:14"

Year 4 - St John Bosco

Science - Flowering Plants

Maths - Exploring Seconds Using Stopwatches

D&T - Textiles - Understanding Fabric - Felt

We had singer-songwriter Miranda Howard and guitarist Nick in with us this week. We transformed our train poems into lyrics. We had to think about the amount of words used in each phrase, rhythm and pace. It was very exciting. We can't wait to learn to play the ukulele in music and record our songs. 

English - Performance Reading

D&T - Making Pneumatic Systems

Maths - Telling the Time

We were on of the selected schools within the borough that were mentored by real-life Scientists and Inventors. We built a new invention in groups with the hope that ours would be selected to be displayed at the prestigious Great Exhibition Road Festival. We had a member of staff from Big Ideas and a scientist from Imperial College visit our school. We explored the Great Exhibitions and created our own inventions! Two of our inventions were selected, which will be displayed at the Great Exhibition Road Festival in June.

Computing - understanding how information is exchanged between devices


English - Writing Newspaper Reports

PE - Gymnastics - Movements

Computing - Networks

Pupils were shown the school's server and network switches by the IT consultant. Children the drew a computer network on on the iPads. 

English - Research

Year 3 are writing letters to Mr Zuckerman persuading him not to kill Wilbur. Pupils researched facts that they will use to make an argument and get their point across. 

Maths _ Measuring and Finding the Capacity

Art - Still Life

English - Persuasion - Should Mr Zuckerman Kill Wilbur?


Geography - Using an atlas

Religion - Sequencing the story of Zacchaeus

Science - Friction Investigation

Maths - Measuring Length

Computing - Animations

Computing - drawing shapes

Computing - adding music to our animations

Computing - Exploring x and y axis

Father Mark Visits Year 3

English - Planting Broad Beans

Pupils wrote instructions on 'How to plant a broad bean'. They then swapped with their partner and had to follow their instructions when planting. This was a lot of fun!

Collective Worship

Parliament Elections

English - Poetry

We went out into the playground to listen all of the various sounds. We then used these sounds to write a poem in class. 

PE - Multi-skills - Hands

Year 3 have been developing their hand skills across a range of different sports. We have played netball, handball and skittleball. 

Music - using thinking frames

English - Performance Poetry

Reading Corner

Year 3 enjoying some DEAR time in their new reading corner!

Year 3 drew and painted self portraits, which will be displayed in the classroom for the year. 

Week 4 and 5 -  Monday 21st November - Friday 2nd December 

We have been very busy in Year 2! Take a look at everything we have been doing:


English: We have been learning about the features of  a diary entry in preparation for our big write at the end of this term! We have practiced identifying the features in examples of diary entries. We know we must include a date, write about what we did and how we felt at the time. A diary entry is written in the past tense. 


History: We love learning about the Great Fire of London! This week we focused on putting the events of fire in chronological order.



RE: We have made our very own advent wreaths to help us learn more about this special time of preparation in our church. In Holy Story time we read a story with James about a small shepherd boy called David and a giant called Goliath. 


Drama: We are very busy in Year 2 preparing for our upcoming Nativity!  We are super excited to tell you all the story of how Jesus was born! 


Have a lovely weekend everyone, 

Miss O'Leary smiley

Week 3 - Monday 14th November - Friday 18th November

We have had a very busy week this week, take a look! 


PSHRE: This week we celebrated and marked Anti - Bullying week. Racha launched our week with a special assembly. We created posters to encourage kindness and respect to everyone in our school. 


Maths: We finished our topic based on Multiplication this week! We have really enjoyed learning our 2,5 and 10 times tables. We even found a great song to help us - check it out below! 


World cup fever: With the 2022 FIFA World Cup kicking off this weekend we all participated in Miss Usher's epic World Cup raffle! We each chose a name out of a hat and we will be crossing our fingers and toes that our chosen team does well in the competition! Miss O'Leary has challenged us to find out some interesting facts about our teams and their countries. The winning team will receive a special prize at the end of the competition! 


History and class trip: Last but not least we had a wonderful day on Wednesday as we had our first class trip of Year 2! We visited the Tower of London and took part in special workshop all about the Great Fire of London! We were transported back in time to 1666 where we met a silk merchant's daughter named Emily! Emily took us on a tour of the Tower and taught us lots of interested facts about the Great Fire! Did you know the Tower in fact was the safest building in London during the fire? After our tour we had a surprise as we were able to see the Crown Jewels! We learnt lots about Kings and Queens in Year 1 and even saw an orb and scepter!  After that we got chatting to a lovely Beefeater also known as a Yeoman Warders. He was very friendly and told us lots of cool things about the Tower - which is where he and his family live! 


Bye for now, 

Miss O'Leary smiley

Autumn 2 - Week 1 and 2 - Monday 31st October - Friday 11th November 

We have been very busy since our return to school! Take a look at everything we have been up to!

RE: We are learning about the Mystery of God this term, speaking about mysteries we wonder about in the world in which we live. We even read a lovely poem which we would like to share with you! 


What happens in heaven?

Will I sit on a cloud?

Is walking or talking or jumping allowed?


Will I be on my own, or with some of my friends?

Does it go on forever -

or eventually end?


What happens in heaven?

Do I go through a gate?

What if I get myself lost or turn up too late?


Is my name on a list?

Is the gatekeeper nice?

Can you sneak in for nothing or is there a price? 


History: In history this term we are learning all about the Great Fire of London! So far we have learnt about the 'Merry Monarch' King Charles II who liked the party! We also learnt about the Royal Society.

English: We also started a brand new book called 'The Fire Cats of London' by Anna Faragher. So far we have been introduced to the main characters of Ash and Asta and are following them on their journey to London in 1666!

We were so excited to celebrate All Saint's day in school on the 1st of November and enjoyed asking our friends about the Saint they had chosen to dress as.


We cannot wait for a trip to the Tower of London next week! 

Bye for now, 

Miss O'Leary smiley


Today, KS1 and KS2 held a Black History Assembly. Each class completed study of an inspirational person from the local area.

Year 1 - Adelaide Louise Estelle Hall

Year 2 – Mary Seacole

Year 3 – Fanny Eaton

Year 4 – Dr John Alcindor

Year 5 – Ellen and William Craft

Year 6 – Gandhi

Week 7 - Monday 17th  October - Friday 21st   October 2022

We have had a wonderful term in Year 2! This week was a busy week as we finished up what we had been learning about in all our subjects, take a look!

Art: We will continue our learning about colour and shape in the next term. We enjoyed mixing colours and studying the work of famous artists like Picasso. We are looking forward to learning about geometric and organic shapes next term!

Computing: We have enjoyed learning the fundamental skills and concepts of coding this term. We learnt about algorithms and the importance of detailed and specific instructions when coding.

Design and Technology: We had a wonderful time planning, creating and evaluating our pirate ship dioramas! We have learnt it is important to consider the size and shape of components and learnt about how the weight of different materials can effect where and how we use it.

English: We developed our narrative writing skills this term as we focused on character and setting descriptions and looked at the structure of an adventure story.  Our pirate stories were exciting and stimulating and inspired fantastic short stories!

Geography: We have developed our understanding of spatial sense and made good progress as cartographers! We understand the importance of using a compass and knowing the four compass points. We even looked at how compasses and maps were used by pirates a long time ago!

Maths: This term we focused on our addition, subtraction and place value skills. We revised and built upon what we had learnt in Year 1 and extended our understanding by learning how to add and subtract with renaming. 

Religion: Our learning was based on God's chosen people this term. We learnt about why God chose Abraham, Moses and Daniel for special purposes. We thoroughly enjoyed our weekly 'Holy Story Time' with our local catechist James.


We celebrated the end of term with a wonderful 'Pirate Day'! We used all the wonderful skills we had developed this term to solve the clues and follow the map to the special treasure that was being guarded by Captain Molloy! 


I cannot wait to see what the next term has in store for our wonderful class, 

Miss O'Leary smiley


Week 6 - Monday 10th  October - Friday 15th  October 2022

We cannot believe it is almost half term! We have been up to lots in school this week, take a look! 


Drumming workshop: We had a fantastic time in our drumming workshop which Miss Howard kindly organised for us. We learnt some rhythms and beats and practiced our rockstar skills and poses! 


Design and Technology: We have been reviewing and editing our diorama plans this week. We even started our first process of painting the base of our shoebox dioramas! Our next step will involve building the models we need to create our pirate scenes!


Art: We have been learning about tinting and shading this week. We learnt that we create tints by adding white  to a colour and we can make a shade by adding black.


Year 2 QPR Festival: Finally Miss O'Leary and our football team attended a Festival of Football hosted by QPR on Friday! We had great fun and played a total of eight games against different schools from our area.


All the best, 

Miss O'Leary  

Week 5 - Monday 3rd October - Friday 7th  October 2022

We have had a very busy week in Year 2 this week! Check out everything we have been up to! 


Wise Up Workshop: We had a wonderful day on Monday taking part in a team building workshop. We had to solve the mystery of who had destroyed Lovely Loretta's cake! We worked together to solve the problems and get a clue to find the culprit! We really enjoy practicing skills like turn taking, decision making and collaborating with one another.


Science: This week we have been learning all about our circulatory system in science. We learnt about the journey around our bodies in arteries and veins. Check out the cool video below for more information! 


RE: This week we have been learning about the story of Moses parting the Red Sea. We know that Moses showed a lot of faith in God to lead the slaves to freedom.


Literacy: We have really enjoyed our pirate genre of stories! This week we spoke about the dialogue and words pirates use! I have left some key phrases below!  We have really enjoyed taking part in our D.E.A.R reading sessions - ask us to explain what it stands for! 


All the best, 

Miss O'Leary 

Week 4 - Monday 26th September - Friday 30th October 2022

We're settling in well to Year 2 and we have been very busy this week, take a look!


English: This week we took on the role of authors! We rewrote part of our new story 'Captain Flinn and the Pirate Dinosaurs'. We discussed the use of adjectives in stories to make it more interesting for the reader.

Maths:We have been working hard in Maths to learn about renaming in addition. We have been focusing on recognizing the tens and ones values in numbers to help us remember what to 'carry over' when we need to regroup.

Collective Act of Worship: This week we wrote prayers for the people in Florida effected by Hurricane Ian. We asked God to watch over them and to protect them during this difficult time. 

Golden Time: As we had worked so hard this week we had a special Golden Time treat! We practiced our recipe writing skills by writing out a recipe for Rice Kirspie Buns and then tested our recipes by making Rice Krispie Buns! 


If you would like to try out some fun recipes at home check out the links below! 

Have a wonderful week, 

Miss O'Leary


Week 3 - Tuesday 20th  - Friday 23rd September

We had a very busy week this week, take a look at everything we have been up to!

Science: We had a very interesting lesson this week all about the digestive system! We learned about some of the parts of our body which help us to digest our food. Ask us about it at home! 

RE: This week we had a story from the New Testament during Holy Story time. We listened to the story of when Jesus calmed the storm. James taught us  about the key message of the story, which was to have trust and faith in God. We then told James about another story we knew from the Old Testament where Abraham and Sarah had to have trust and faith in God.

Guided Reading: This week we followed our VIPERS for guided reading and focused on V, for vocabulary! We read our class text -'The Night Pirates' by Peter Harris and spoke about the meaning of key words such as pirate, treasure, crew and captain. We then made our very own pirate vocabulary mats which will help us writing pirate stories later on this term in English! 

If you would like to read our story 'The Night Pirates' by Peter Harris I've left a link below!

Have a lovely week everyone, 

Miss O'Leary 

The Night Pirates - Storytime Book Reading

Tom is a little boy, Tom is a little boy about to go on a fantastic adventure!

Week 2 - Monday 12th September - Friday 16th  September

We have had a very busy week here in Year 2! Take a look at everything we have been doing!

Art: In Art we are exploring colour and focused our lesson on colour mixing. We revised the primary colours which we learnt about in Year 1 and learnt more about the secondary colours. We created the famous 'Kadinsky circles' by mixing two primary colours to create different secondary colours. 

Geography: We are cartographers! This week we drew our own maps of our school! We had to use compasses to ensure we had each building in the correct position. 

RE: During Holy Story time this week we learnt about the story of the Wedding Feast at Cana. This is known to be the first ever miracle that Jesus performed! James our catechist had lots of questions for us and thought us about the important Commandment which is to honor thy mother and father. 

Maths: We are continuing to learn more about place value and partitioning. This week we have focused on the different models that can be used to show how a number can be partitioned. We also received our Mathletic log in cards which was really exciting! 

There's a link below if you need help finding the website!

Looking forward to the next week ahead, 

Have a lovely weekend everyone, 

Miss O'Leary 

Week 1 - Monday 5th - Friday 9th September

It has been a very important first week in Year 2 for all of our wonderful pupils but sadly we also mourn the great loss of  Queen Elizabeth II. In honor of the Queen's incredible life and service to her country we celebrated her life on Friday with a day filled of prayer, history and reflections.

We first gathered together as a whole school in assembly lead by Mrs Lavelle. We looked back on some key events in the Queen's life and remembered some of our favourite moments to date - including her afternoon tea with Paddington bear.

We will remember our Queen dearly for the incredible impact she has had on the world in which we live today.


Here's a look at everything else we have been up to during our first week:

English: Ahoy matey's and welcome to our topic all about pirates! This week we were introduced to our class story 'The Night Pirates' by Peter Harris. We have been using our prediction skills to make our own predictions about the characters, plot and setting of the story based on the illustrations. 

Maths: We have started our first topic which is place value and number. This week we have been focusing on using concrete resources like Dienes blocks to represent tens and ones. We also practiced using part whole models and place value charts. 

Phonics: This week's focus sound has been the digraph ay. We worked in groups to think of words that had the -ay diagraph. We also found lots of words which have alternative spellings for the -ay sound! (rain, plane, crane, train)

Religion: We started our lessons by learning about our class Saint, Saint Bernadette. We learnt about why she became a Saint and how Our Lady appeared to her in Lourdes, France.

PE: We had lots of fun in PE this week, practicing our locomotion skills! Miss O'Leary and Nadia created really fun and engaging stations for us to practice our skills. It was really fun to use the climbing equipment too!

Stay tuned to see some pictures of everything we got up to!

Miss O'Leary 


HM Queen Elizabeth II


Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon them.

 May their souls and the souls of all the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. 


Long term Curriculum Map

Our first day in Year 2! 


We had a fantastic day today! Take a look at everything we did!

  • Maths: In Maths we are learning about place value. We practiced counting the tens and units to form two digit numbers. Check out the place value game below to practice some more at home!
  • PSHRE: Today we covered a very important lessons about the PANTS rule. We learnt that our private parts are private and that we should always tell a grown up if someone asks to see them. Check out the Pantasorus song in the link below!
  • English: Today we did some personal writing all about our first day in Year 2. Miss O'Leary and Nadia laminated our work to keep for when we grow up and want to remember all of our favourite things when we were in Year 2! 
  • Music: Finally we also had our first music lesson with Miss Howard. It was really nice to practice our listening and responding skills together as a class again!


Key dates for the future: Thursday 15th September curriculum evening, check out our newsletter for more information on Parentmail!

We have also booked a class trip to the Tower of London, to support our learning about the Great Fire of London in the Autumn 2 term! More details and dates to follow! 



Looking forward to a very exciting week ahead!

Miss O'Leary 

Talk PANTS with Pantosaurus and his PANTS song #TalkPANTS

Meet Pantosaurus - our pant-wearing Dino! He wants every child to stay safe and strong, just like him, and he's on a mission to share an important message. We're currently trying to create a brand new PANTS storybook so we can reach more children.

Welcome to Year 2! 

Hello everyone! I would just like to say I am very excited to welcome you all to school tomorrow!

I cannot wait to see the wonderous things you will do in Year 2.


In the morning, you can come straight to the Year 2 classroom door to start the day. It would be a good idea to bring your book bag and perhaps a light raincoat tomorrow incase of any rain showers during playtimes! 


See you all tomorrow, 

Miss O'Leary



2021 - 2022 ARCHIVE YEAR 1

In this terms D&T project, we were tasked with creating a puppet. Our brief was to create our own traditional tale character. We developed our skills of designing, making and evaluating our products as well as building on our technical knowledge.

As part of our annual Laudato Si’ focus, in which Pope Francis calls upon ‘every person living on our planet’ to take environmental action to care for our ‘common home’, our class visited Gunnersbury Triangle, a wonderful nature reserve in the heart of our local area.  Gunnersbury Triangle is a green oasis created by intersecting railway lines, close to Chiswick Park Station, saved from development and managed for wildlife and people.


The children carried out pond dipping using nets and trays to explore our aquatic habitats.  We wenr mini beast hunting – looking in our woodland habitats to discover the small invertebrates that live within, and become plant detectives


We took a packed lunch with us and stopped along the way to eat and even managed to have a play in the park!


Thank you to all the parents who helped us.

At Kew Gardens we were plant scientists. We were exploring, investigating, grouping and identifying a variety of trees, common wild and garden plants at Kew.

We used our observational skills to help us identify and name a variety of common wild and garden plants, including deciduous and evergreen trees.

We used descriptive and scientific language to compare and group different plants and trees. We Identified distinct features of plants and trees – trunk, stem, leaf, flowers, seeds.

To celebrate the Queens Jubilee we created the Union Jack flag and created our own crowns. 

We worked together to sort a variety of 3D and 2D shapes.

Introduction to coding

Year 1 spent the afternoon learning how to create basic sequences of code to move different sprites around and solve problems!

Music with Ms Howard. We have been learning Mary Had A Little Lamb

We have been practising building our spellings.

We design and created our own Christmas cards

When we were cooking with Etain we used our senses to explore the food while we developed our cooking skills.

This autumn term our art topic is Structures.

We have had an amazing opportunity of having weekly sessions at our local art studio, Kite Studios where we worked in an art studio with a specialist art teacher.   

We then showcased our fantastic work to our parents and teachers.

Black History Month

Welcome to Year 1!




2020 - 2021 ARCHIVE


Sports Day 2021

We managed to avoid the rain and have some fun at Sports Day!


On Wednesday we took a coach to Bocketts Farm Park, a working sheep farm in Fetcham.  We had a wonderful outdoor learning experience, seeing first-hand how a working farm operates and having the opportunity to get close to and touch and feed a range of farm animals and their young.  It was lovely to be in the countryside.  We climbed to the top of a hill on our tractor ride, fields, trees and animals all around us and saw London far away on the horizon!




Land of the dinosaurs

The children have loved this half term's topic.  They are now using really quite complex language to explain what they know about dinosaurs.  Ask them to explain the difference between carnivores, herbivores and omnivores and how their teeth and jaws differ as a result of the food they eat; they will tell you!  They've learned the words predator and prey and know about the features some dinosaurs have to protect themselves. 








We've recreated primordial swamps in the garden and used props to pretend to be dinosaurs hunting for food.  With a little guidance, the children made a lovely new play dough with coffee grounds which was great for taking prints of the fossils and ammonites we have in our classroom.  It was also good for making impressions of our toy dinosaurs' feet and seeing their three toes!  Some children went further and used the dough to make nests and eggs and pretended to hatch baby dinosaurs, showing understanding that dinosaurs were just like all other egg-laying reptiles such as snakes and crocodiles.  



The children have produced some great independent writing, too.  The regular phonics work that your children did during Lockdown is really paying off in terms of greater confidence for writing and reading for the majority of them.






Bee-Bot’s simple and child friendly layout is a perfect starting point for Reception children to begin basis coding.  Mr Davis, our Head of Maths and IT, is spending time with the children on Friday mornings, teaching them control, directional language (prepositions) and basic computer programming. 



The children are learning that Bee-Bot will not go where they want it to without a well-thought-out, sequential set of instructions.  Bee-Bot can accurately move in steps of 15cm, turn in 90° turns, and remembers up to 40 steps!  The children are enjoying learning to solve problems, for example, how to programme Bee-bot so that it moves smoothly from the garage, along the street and round the corner to the bank!   They are having lots of fun practising and playing as they hone their new skills, learning the symbols for commands like clear, forward, turn left, turn right and go! 




Coding and programming Reception-style

As the first term drew to a close, we were very thankful to have been able to stay at school learning and playing with our friends and remaining safe, well, busy and happy as we got ready for Christmas.  

Christmas jumper fun day and a visit from Santa!

After half term, we began our Starry Starry Night topic and again, we were fortunate to have Lottie's dad come in and talk to us about the Hindu celebration of Divali, also called the Festival of Lights.  Lottie's dad told us how Divali symbolises the spiritual victory of light over darkness, good over evil, and knowledge over ignorance through the story of Rama and Sita, and Lakshmi, goddess of prosperity.  


During that week, the children experimented with 2D shapes, coloured rice and technology to make traditional Rangoli patterns.  They also learned clay techniques of rolling and making pinch pots to create and decorate their own diyas to take home for Christmas.  Lottie and her parents provided us with lovely traditional and colourful, savoury and sweet treats to celebrate with.




In October, to complete our work on our Wonderful Me topic and our focus during Black History Month on Mary Seacole, we were fortunate to have a visit from Mia's mum to talk to us about the wonderful work that nurses do whether on the frontline of a bloody war with few resources like Mary Seacole back in the 1850s or battling Covid in hospitals around the world today.  Parents will have seen some of the work the children completed in their books on this subject.  The children were delighted with the sunglasses Mia's mum brought for them!


Learning about the work of a nurse from Mia's mum





On Monday 14th September 2020, the whole school put down their pens, pencils and books, threw on their swimming things and had a fabulous day at the beach without leaving the school gates.  No-one enjoyed it more than our Reception class, some of whom had only known the school for just over a week!


Take a look at these photos of the fun we had that day!smiley


Coronavirus has made outside learning more important than ever for primary schools.  We are fortunate that we were able to come into school during lockdown to refresh our early years' garden, reorganise resources, repaint the woodwork and plant new bushes and fruit trees.  We hope that we have created a stimulating, happy place for the children to learn and grow.


September's amazing weather has given us the opportunity to be outside a lot.  It's important for developing gross motor skills, fitness and physical confidence.  It also gives the children the chance to take part in scientific investigation first-hand: using weights, buckets and pulleys, the water wall, the mud kitchen, gathering plants and leaves for pretend cooking or using magnifying glasses to get a closer look at spiders, beetles and snails. 


Here are some photos of the children exploring these things together in our garden, making friends, devloping their language skills and learning to work together cooperatively.