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The Good Shepherd

Catholic Primary School

“I am the Good Shepherd; I know my own and my own know me”. John 10:14"

Year 6 - St Stephen

Backing track for our class assembly

Last term Year 6 learned all about music production through the software GarageBand. They formed their own bands, wrote their own songs and here are their final efforts.


I hope you enjoy listening through to their hard work!


Miss Howard.


This song is inspired by finding your voice and being proud like a lion.

By Teagan, Liberty, Archie & Gold.


This song might make you jump! The band would like you to know that their group name is inspired by Guns & Roses.

By Michael, Antoni, Rock, Jack & Ferdy.


This song was inspired by a Fire drill that happened during one of our lessons - the alarm would NOT stop ringing...

By Bella, Imogen, Sammy & Leo (Featuring Mrs Moore-Jaunaii).

Miraculous - MY LADY

This song is inspired by the bands' favourite show "Miraculous".

By Emi, Sophia, Hosanna & Emilia.

Good Vibes - GIRL POWER

This song is inspired by the great memories made with your close friends.

By Chloe PG, Chloe M, Sofia, Grace & Hanna.


This song was inspired by the bands' favourite movies and going to the cinema together.

By Eddy, Henry, Felipe, Austin & Finn.

PGL - Day 2 


After a hearty breakfast, our second day at PGL began! We dove into a whirlwind of adventure: trapeze, swinging on the giant swing, building and racing buggies, cracking challenging problems, climbing to new heights and some of us even mastered the art of fencing alongside Miss Kennedy and Miss Usher. Even the rain couldn’t dampen our spirits. We were still full of smiles and laughter! Tonight, we are venturing back into the forest for a game of Cluedo. 
Check back tomorrow for more updates. 

PGL - Day 1 


We have arrived at PGL after a very successful journey which was made even more exciting by the wonderful singing talents of Year 6. We spent the afternoon playing games in the sunshine before going for a much needed dinner, which was enjoyed by all. This evening we are going into the forest to play ‘Ambush’. Wish us luck! 
Check back tomorrow for more updates. 

"Save The..."

This song was written and recorded by Year 5 using the instruments they made from recycled materials!

Music and DT - Making Instruments From Recycled Materials

The Leaning Woman Restoration Project

Year 5 have been working with Proud Places to design a campaign with an aim of restoring The Leaning Woman. The gravity- defying sculpture is situated in Hammersmith and was created by sculptor Karel Vogel in 1959. 

Its All Greek To Me (Vocal).mp3

Songs for our Greek Assembly

A-Life Workshop

World Book Day

Today, KS1 and KS2 held a Black History Assembly. Each class completed study of an inspirational person from the local area.

Year 1 - Adelaide Louise Estelle Hall

Year 2 – Mary Seacole

Year 3 – Fanny Eaton

Year 4 – Dr John Alcindor

Year 5 – Ellen and William Craft

Year 6 – Gandhi

Romeo and Juliet - The Capulet's Party

A visit from the Salesians of Don Bosco

Workshop with author Natasha Farrant

We were very lucky to have author Natasha Farrant join us for this morning's assembly and for a workshop with our class. We loved having the opportunity to ask her questions and to write creatively. Thank you Natasha!

We loved our trip to 'The LookOut' in Hyde Park. Here, we learned about the habitats in London and how we can look after them in a more sustainable way. 

We had the opportunity to learn about 'microplastics' with a company called Hydrasyst, whose aim is to remove microplastics from water. We loved getting hands on to learn about the danger of microplastics, how they end up in our water and the danger they can do to animals and humans when consumed. We even had the chance to experience VR to look at how the world might look in years to come if this problem is not dealt with. 

After our learning about refugees in our class text 'The Boy at the Back of the Class', it was very clear that some individuals have their human rights taken away from them. We studied the Human Declaration of Human Rights, but agreed that the language in it was very difficult for a child to understand. We simplified the language in the UDHR, aiming to make it accessible to the year 1 and 2 children. We then shared our book with the younger children in our school. We were confidently able to explain what a human right is and explain these 30 basic human rights to the children. 

Sports Praise Assembly Summer 2022

Skip Week 2022!

International Day

To celebrate International Day, we all came to school dressed in outfits linked to the country we come from, have links to or have been studying as part of International Week. 

We have been learning about Brazil as part of 'International Week'. Here are some examples of the projects we have completed as part of our homework. 

After learning about the Amazon Rainforest as part of Laudato Si week, we came up with our top tips on how to save the rainforest. Year 4 have also very proudly sponsored their own orangutan, which is one of the rainforest's most endangered animals! 

Can you guess the riddle?

We have been learning to write haiku poems in English. A haiku poem is a traditional Japanese poem, consisting of three lines.The first and third lines must have 5 syllables, while the middle line must have 7.

We had lots of fun coming up with these riddles. Can you guess which animals they are about?

Now Press Play - The Amazon Rainforest

We have been learning all about the Amazon Rainforest in Brazil as part of Laudato Si week and International Week. During this Now Press Play, we left the city with our aunt, Carmen, to stay with our older brother, Miguel, who lived near the Amazon rainforest. On our journey through the rainforest, we met a friendly Amazonian girl, Tatui, who gave us an insight into how the indigenous people live. We learned all about Amazonian tribes, the beauty of the rainforest and the damage that is being done to the landscape. Thankfully, we managed to save the trees and the 'hope plant', which might be able to provide a cure for an illness. 

We have been learning all about Northern Ireland in Geography. Here are some examples of the home learning research projects we completed at the beginning of our topic!

Year 3 and Year 4 Skittleball Tournament

Well done to the year 3 and year 4 pupils taking part in the Skittleball competition at Sacred Heart Secondary School. Year 3 played a total of 6 games. They won 4 and lost 2 of their games. A massive well done to them all. They showed great sportsmanship and got better and better as the tournament progressed. Well done to the year 4 team who finished top of their group. They drew their first game and won the other 3. They then played against the winners of the other group where the game finished in a draw. Both teams did exceptionally well and were fantastic representatives for the Good Shepherd. 

Science workshop with real life scientist

Lunchtime Champions’ League Grand Final (and winners’ match against the mighty All-Stars!)


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A sing song on the bus!

We had an amazing day at Tudor World in Stratford-upon-Avon as part of our learning about the Tudors and Shakespeare.

  • Our day started out with a workshop on Tudor theatre. We found out where many of the phrases that are used in theatre today come from!
  • We then went on a tour of the museum where we got to handle real artefacts, use a quill pen and learn about the plague. We also experienced what life was like on a Tudor ship.
  • After that, we had a crime and punishment workshop. Some of the year 4 children had been really badly behaved and had to face a punishment, or even worse, were executed!
  • After lunch, we went on a tour of Stratford with 'Shakespeare'. We saw where he was born, lived, died, went to school and was buried. We were shocked to find out that he was buried with no head! 

Overall, a great day was had and the children were amazing. They are a credit to our school!

PJ Day in aid of Ukraine!

Pitch and Volume with Miss Howard

In today's science lesson on sound, we were learning about the difference between pitch and volume. Miss Howard brought a variety of instruments to play for us, including her voice. We discussed whether the instrument made a high or low pitch, and a loud or quiet sound. We learned how we can change the pitch and volume of an instrument and the science behind how this change happens. Thank you to Miss Howard for joining us!

Times Tables Rock Stars- Battle of the Bands!

Here are our wonderful costumes from World Book Day on 4th March! We took part in a live lesson called 'Using Your Imagination'. We took inspiration from Nadia Shireen and created our own 'imagination maps'. 

Sphero: coding a light level reader

We planned and coded scripts to make each Sphero provide a reading depending on the level of light -or luminosity. We designed matrix animations to show the different levels. We used torches to provide a very bright light level.

Well done to everybody who completed a Tudor project over the half term. I was so impressed to see such a variety of projects and such creativity. It is wonderful to see such enthusiasm for learning throughout year 4. Thank you to both children and parents for taking the time to complete these!

Role on the Wall

We have been exploring our new book in literacy, 'The Lost Happy Endings'. So far, we have been introduced to Jub, a little girl who delivers the happy endings of fairytales to children at bed time each night. Here are some examples of our role on the wall activity, in which we explored her character in depth. 

Our topic in science this term is 'sound'. In today's lesson, we created string telephones to help us to understand how sound is created and how it travels. We learned that sound can travel through solids, liquids and gases!

Stranger Danger!

Today we had a talk from members of our local police about the importance of being aware around strangers. We learned lots of new things and gained some helpful tips. We loved having the opportunity to ask them questions.

Y3/4 Girls’ Football Tournament @ Power League

Our Good Shepherd Junior Wildcats A and B teams took part in a borough football competition at Power League, South Africa Rd. Lots of other schools were there to play against.
Both of our teams had their moments: Our B team had a fantastic 2-0 win over Wendell Park during the group stages and our A team managed to reach the quarter-finals where they narrowly lost to St. Johns in extra time.

Mr Davis was very happy with the teamwork and positive attitude both teams showed throughout the tournament.




Story Mapping

Some examples of our story maps which we will use to write our adventure stories. Where will our objects take us?

In preparation for our adventure stories, we brought in an ordinary object which will take us on a journey to an imaginary world. This is just like the green ship that Alice and her brother had found in our class text which took the children on journeys all over the world. 

Conductor or Insulator?

Multi-skills Sports Festival @ St.Paul’s Girls’ School

Indoor Athletics at Sacred Heart

We have been learning about settlements in geography. For homework, we were asked to research a settlement in the world that we didn't know much about and find out how it differs from settlements here in the UK. Here are some examples of the projects that were completed. 

Long Division

We have been learning to calculate long division equations using a variety of methods. 

Who’s Afraid of the Dark?

Year 4 tested out Sphero’s ambient light sensor today. We noticed that these were used in modern cars to turn on headlights automatically when it gets dark.
They coded Sphero to react to the lights being turned on, making Sphero move, speak and light up when the luminosity rose above a certain level.

Jurassic Code: Timing the Escape

Our Spheroraptors made their final escapes today, making the most of a power failure in Jurassic Park to leave through their enclosure’s open gate. We coded our Spheros to reverse and change direction when they collided with the enclosure wall until they eventually got out. There were also some great dinosaur matrix animations!

Times Tables Rock Stars

Year 4 started using Times Tables Rock Stars today. They were racing each other in online tables races! Every child can access this app at home using the login details they were given today.

In today's Now Press Play, we took on the role of Thalia's cousin. Thalia required regular dialysis. When there was a power cut due to anti-coal protestors at the power plant, we had to create an electrical circuit out of materials we could find in our home to create a torch. We then used our torches to journey to the power plant, where we found the source of the problem. Thankfully, we fixed the problem before the generators at the hospital ran out. 

Learning to play the recorder!

We have been learning about electricity in science. Here, you can see us creating our own electrical circuits. We needed wires, batteries, a bulb and a switch to create our circuits. In the end, we were able to explain how electricity flows through our homes and around the country. 

This half term, we are studying the book 'The Green Ship' by Quentin Blake. Here, we took on the role of Alice and her brother who came across an 'astonishing' discovery. 

We then explored the character of Mrs. Tredegar through a role on the wall activity.

As our DT project this term, we built Viking longships. We followed four stages in order to create them:

  1. Research: We gathered lots of information about Viking longships e.g. what they were used for, what they were made from, their size, shape and design.
  2. Design: We designed our Viking longships, taking into consideration the time and materials we had to make them. We had to figure out how we would give them their distinct shape, how to make the steering paddle movable, how we would make the dragon head detachable and how we were going to make them float. We also had to come up with a design for our dragon head, shields and sails.
  3. Make: The fun part – we worked with our partner to put our plan into action!
  4. Evaluate: We decided what went well and what we could improve if we were to complete this project again. 

Good Shepherd Carol Concert 2021

The viewing password is the same as usual. Please ask your teacher or the school office if you don't know it.

Club 144’s Christmas meeting- solving a murder in New York!

Christmas dinner!

We really enjoyed our Anglo-Saxon’s and Viking’s drama workshop. Throughout the day, we participated in various role-play activities, games and quizzes linked to our topic.

Our topic in art this term was 'light'. In our lessons, we studied the paintings 'Supper at Emmaus' by Carravaggio and 'The Milkmaid' by Vermeer in great detail. We learned how artists create form and tone in a painting to create a 3D effect, focusing on where the light hits an object.  


We began by sketching different objects, working from dark to light to show shade, shadow and highlights. We then experimented with colour, creating the colours yellow ochre and burnt sienna. Our final piece was a still life painting. We created our underpainting in yellow ochre, then painted our still life on top.

End-of-term Online Maths Quizzes

Jurassic Code: SpheroRaptor Escape!

Year 4 have started their Jurassic Code project. Their objective is to code a Sphero robot to escape from it’s enclosure through the gate carelessly left open by Owen Grady.
They started by looking around the enclosure and coming up with some pseudocode (a plain language description of the block code they will be programming in). They then began coding in block code and tested it out with the Spheros in the hall. 
There were plenty of bugs to remove, so next lesson we will refine our scripts…


We have been learning to show multiplication in lots of different ways!

The Wreck of the Zanzibar: A Debate

In today's guided reading session, the main character Laura was in a predicament. She had to decide whether or not to leave her home on Bryher island for a better life. In two groups, we came up with reasons for and against Laura leaving Bryher. Grace took on the role of Laura, listening to these reasons carefully. Thankfully, she decided to stay!

Year 3 reviewers try out our maths games!

After several lessons of research, planning, coding, testing and debugging our educational games were ready for Year 3 children to play and review. I was proud of the class and how much they achieved; everyone ended up with a game that worked and tested Year 3’s maths skills!

In English, we are studying the myth 'Beowulf' by Rob Lloyd Jones. 


In today's lesson, we worked in groups to come up with our own myths. Each group had a monster who needed defeating, a hero, a king or queen and a narrator. We worked hard to built tension throughout our performance. 

Fun with division!

Show and Tell!

We had some very interesting show and tell in year 4 this week. 


Sammy brought in a book called 'The Girl who Talked to Trees'. The book was written by his aunt who is an author. The book has been dedicated to Sammy and his brother Victor. 


Very impressively, Bella has also written and illustrated her own book called 'The Dewflower' which we all enjoyed listening to!


Thank you both Sammy and Bella for sharing! 


Now Press Play - The Vikings

In today's now press play, we took on the role of Freja, a Viking child who travelled across the North Sea on a longship to invade, raid and look for a better life in England. 

Anti-Bullying Week- 'One Kind Word'

The theme for this year’s Anti-Bullying week is ‘One Kind Word’. In today’s circle time, we defined bullying and talked about what the emotional effects of bullying are on a person. We looked at different scenario cards and thought about which words we could use in that situation to make a person feel better! We then looked at some scenarios where people showed kindness and discussed the wider impact of showing kindness and respect in this way.

Over this week, we plan to think about how we can spread kindness using our words and continue this into our everyday lives in the future. 

Making Multiples!

In today’s workshop, we learned all about Africa, in particular about the animals and how animals were hunted in the past. We used games and role-play to learn about the different types of animals that can be found in Africa.  We learned a dance called ‘The Coming of Age’ and sang the song ‘In the Jungle’.

Linking with our topic 'spatial sense', we went on a geography field trip to observe and record how Hammersmith has changed over time. We began the day in the classroom, where we studied maps of Hammersmith from 1863, 1915, 1954 and now. We noted the changes that had occurred over time and discussed why these changes had happened. We then took a trip to the river Thames in Hammersmith and learned all about the history of the area. Lastly, we studied a picture of the area from the past and then drew a field sketch of what it looks like today. We were surprised to realise how much had changed!

The Ten Plagues - Now Press Play

We have been learning about Moses and the Exodus in religion. Here, using Now Press Play, we are taking on the role of a slave who lived through the ten plagues in Egypt and was freed by Moses. In the end, we were preparing for our extremely difficult journey through the desert to Midian, the land that God had promised us.

National Poetry Day took place on Thursday 7th October. Prior to this, we learned the poem ‘Instructions for Growing Poetry’ by Tony Mitton, putting actions to the poem which was performed in assembly.

On the day, we took part in an online interactive workshop which involved creating our own witches’ spells based on the witches in Macbeth. We all wrote our own poems, using what we had learned in the workshop. Some children also wrote their own poems at home or brought in one of their favourites to share with the class!

Black History Month

Pogo Certificates

Antoni, Grace, Ferdy, Austin and Henry receiving their Pogo Level 1  Certificate for jumping for 30 seconds. Leo receiving his Level 2 Certificate for jumping for 3 minutes! Well done!

Pogo - Week 4!

Mrs Lavelle Pogoing With Us!

Imogen Pogoing

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Hanna Pogoing

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Chloe M Pogoing

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Box2bFit workshop

We have been studying the aftermath of Duncan’s murder and examining how Macbeth has changed from the valiant warrior we met in the beginning of the play. In many scenes, we have transformed into directors, deciding on stage directions for the play. We have realised that directing a show is much more difficult than we first anticipated

We have been learning about spatial sense in Geography this half term. We have studied the globe and how lines of latitude and longitude help us to locate places on a map. Here, we are researching our local area, finding out which facilities nearby are useful to us. In our final lesson, we will be studying old maps and photographs of Askew road, discussing how and why it has changed over the years.


We have been enjoying our weekly music lessons with Miss Howard. This half term, we have been learning about music from long ago and how it was not written down. Through games, songs and chants we have realised how difficult that must have been for the composers!

We have now completed Macbeth’s diary entry, which told the story of the events leading up to and the night of Duncan’s murder. Our diary entries took us five days to complete:

  • On day one, we acted out the events of that night, which helped us to understand the thoughts and feelings that must have gone through Macbeth’s head as he planned and committed the murder. 
  • On day two, we worked in groups to come up with some exciting words to describe Macbeth’s feelings throughout. We then planned our diary entry, sorting it into paragraphs.
  • On day three, we completed our first draft, using our plan to help us write in paragraphs.
  • On day four, we became editors, editing and improving our own work using a purple pen. We checked our grammar and punctuation errors and used a thesaurus to change some of our words to make them more exciting. We also used a dictionary to check the spelling of our words.
  • On day five, we rewrote our diary entries as a final piece. We were really impressed with our pieces of writing!

Pogo Week 3


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Today, our school parliament elections took place. We had to decide which of the four departments we wanted to join and prepare a small manifesto to share with our class. We then voted for a class member to represent us in each department. Best of luck to all of the candidates that took part!

We have been studying the human body in science. Through experimentation with eggs, coke and vinegar, we have examined the effect that a sugary or acidic diet has on our teeth. We have also learned about the digestive system in detail, studying how food moves through our bodies. We used food bags and tights to show the movement of food through the digestive system, explaining what happened at each stage of digestion.

We have been learning about number and place value in maths. In year 4, we learn about numbers as large as 10,000. The use of dienes blocks, number counters, number flippers and place value charts help us to see number in lots of different ways.

We have been studying the play ‘Macbeth’ by William Shakespeare. Through role play, we have gained an insight into the characters thoughts, feelings and intentions in the play. This week, we are building up to write Macbeth's diary entry, thinking about the events that happened leading up to and on the night of Duncan's murder. 

Collective Worship

Each week, we take part in a collective worship. We light a candle and gather together to pray. We talk about the theme of the week, listen to a gospel reading and respond to it with relevant thoughts and ideas. Our collective worships are completely led by the children. 

A-Life Mental Health and Wellbeing Workshop

The A-life mental health and wellbeing workshop came to visit this term. In the workshop, we learned practical ways to keep fit and healthy and discovered strategies to keep calm using the acronym 'GET CALM'. Can you remember what each letter stood for?  


Get Giving

Get Connecting

Get Active

Get Learning

Get Mindful

Medium Term Curriculum Map - Autumn

Club 144’s Secret Meeting in Wendell Park...

We had another top secret meeting at the end of last term. What do you think they might have been doing?

Keep practising your tables so you can join Club 144 too!

Welcome back!




2020-2021 ARCHIVE

Now Press Play - Romans!

Year 3 and 4 Girls Football Tournament

Sports Day 2021

We managed to avoid the rain and have some fun at Sports Day!

Years 3 and 4 took part in a cricket competition at Shepherd's Bush Cricket Club. The event was organised by Mr. Davis and Jonathan, our cricket coach. Well done to the green team who were victorious on the day!

Watch Ferdy, Hosanna, Imogen and Austin in action!

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Watch Felipe, Emi, Emilia and Henry in action!

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We have been learning about The Romans in History. Over half term, we created projects based on the The Romans. Here, you can see some of the children’s projects.

Luckily, we managed to have our annual summer fair at the Good Shepherd. We each received a set of tickets and could use them on activities and to win prizes! There were lots of fun activities set up for us throughout the day, like a super slide, hook a duck, a photo booth, a treasure trail and whack a mole. We could also cool down with an ice cold drink or an ice cream from the ice cream stall.

The Young Shakespeare Company perform Hamlet

We love Shakespeare at the Good Shepherd! The Young Shakespeare Company made their annual visit and performed a fantastic production of Hamlet for us.

Club 144 Summer Meeting

What secret things were they up to this time?
Clue: There was lots of adding up of decimals and it was something to do with the European Championships...

We have started to investigate how to get Sphero to ‘jump’ as far as possible. We tried different height ramps to see if the angle affected the distance. We predicted that Sphero’s maximum speed would be the best to choose. 

Solving coding problems

We used pseudocode (simple notes to develop into full code later) to help us plan the code needed to make Sphero rebound between two walls continuously.

This half term Year 3 have been learning about flowering plants in Science.  Our lessons included learning about pollination, germination, seed dispersal and water transport in plants. We took a trip to our local park, Wendell Park to explore the plants and trees there. 

Ancient Egypt Projects!

We have been busy this half term working on our Ancient Egypt projects. We had three sessions to complete our projects, so it was important that we planned them carefully. In week one, we completed lots of research about the area we were interested in. In weeks two and three, we were busy working on our designs and creating information leaflets, posters and videos about the pieces of work we had completed. Please go to the Google Classroom page to watch the two films that two groups of pupils created. 

We started using the Sphero robots today! We found out how to wirelessly connect the robots to the iPads and how to calibrate and drive them. Using block code, we coded the Sphero robots to drive in a square shape. Some of us managed to use a loop to reduce the coding needed. 

Club 144 Spring Meeting

What were the members of Club 144 up to today?

Skip Week Champions: Blue Team!

Good Shepherd Skip Week 2021

Years 2,3,4,5 and 6 took part in Good Shepherd's first ever Skip Week! Each child skipped for one minute each day and had their total skips recorded.
The Blue Team managed the most, well done to them! Remember: keep on skipping!

Measuring and recording time: speed bounce

We were measuring how long it took to do twenty bounces. We used seconds and split seconds.

World Book Day!

Today, we celebrated World Book Day. We all dressed up as our favourite book character and listened to some lovely stories throughout the day!

Good Shepherd Carol Concert 2020

The viewing password is the same as usual. Please ask your child's teacher if you're not sure.

To mark the end of this Autumn term and to thank the children for all of the hard work they have put in, we had a Christmas fun day. There were many fun activities set up on the day, like pin the nose on Rudolph, beat Santa in goals, tinsel pull, card games and hook a duck. We also got to decorate our own cookies and warm up with a tasty hot chocolate from Etain! 
On the 3rd December, years 3 and 4 had their Christmas crafts day. We began the day by creating wooden Rudolph or Santa decorations to hang on our Christmas trees. We also created a class wreath for our door, had our photo taken for our 2021 calendar and made melted snowman cookies.  

Club 144 Meeting: The Egg Drop Challenge!

We explored the physics of dropping an egg from a height of 3 metres. We worked out that we needed to:

 Increase the time over which the egg was brought to rest.

 Decrease the egg's velocity at the time of the crash.

Achille, Julione, Mason and Michael's team came second, and Dara, Jude, Michael and Ferdy's team came third. They succeeded in protecting their egg, designing a parachute with padding to absorb some of the force of the impact, but their eggs still did sustain some damage! Well done to them!

I'm sure I will have some more Year 3 members of Club 144 for the next meeting!

Now Press Play

We have been using our new resource 'Now press play' to actively engage with the topics we are learning about. Each child wears a set of wireless headphones and is sent on a journey to explore a topic. In the above lesson, we completed the Stone Age Experience. We followed the day of a stone age boy and his family hunting.  

This half term we have been developing our instructional writing and its uses in Literacy, Geography and Physical Education. Our half term project was to create a board game or set of top trump cards accompanied by instructions. We then all had the opportunity to trial and test each other's games in class. 

Carnival Day - Celebrating Black History Month

While black history is celebrated year round, Black History Month is marked annually. It recognises and values the inspirational individuals and events that have shaped the black generation. During Black History Month, we remember and celebrate the important people from the past and also those who contribute to and help our society today. As as class we learned about Claudia Jones. Claudia Jones was an equal rights activist and was the founder of Notting Hill Carnival. We decided to host our own carnival, by making our own masks and wearing outfits that were worn in Notting Hill Carnival itself. 

Scratch Coding Projects

We've been using Scratch online to complete different coding projects. So far, we've made a chatbot, animated eyeballs and a boat race game.
During our first term back to school we are doing OAA in PE. We used our subject knowledge from our Geography and Math lessons to help us complete the team building activities. 

Coding with Beebots

Year 3 have been starting to code using Beebots. We thought about the sequence of commands we needed in order to complete each of Mr. Davis' tricky challenges!
Here at the Good Shepherd, we recognise that coming back to school was not easy for a lot of children. To acknowledge this, we held our very own beach day on Monday 14th September. We put our curriculum subjects aside for the day and celebrated coming back to school. The day was full of fun and laughter in the sun. As some pupils said, 'It was the best day ever!'.

Welcome back, Year 3!

2019 - 2020 ARCHIVE

Lauchie's home video - The Great Fire of London

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Well done to Lauchie and family for creating this super video.

Dear Parents,
I would like to take this opportunity to say well done to all of the Year 2 children for their amazing home learning projects over the half term.
They were all so unique and interesting. For this reason, we will be holding an exhibition displaying all of the children's hard work both at home and in school on Friday the 14th of February at 2 pm.
See Lauchie's wonderful home video inspired by The Great Fire of London below as taster of what's to come.
Kind Regards,
Miss Twomey

Home learning w/b 16-12-19

Dear Parents/Carer,

It has been a very successful half term with each child making fantastic progress on their learning journey.

Thank you so much to everyone that contributed to our classroom reading corner by donating bean bags, baskets and artificial grass, the children LOVE it!

Thank you also to everyone who sent in any Julia Donaldson books from home. The children really enjoyed sharing their favourite stories with their friends, creating; different story endings, story maps, character descriptions, book reviews and learning about the author and her style of writing.

Please inform me if you are still missing any Julia Donaldson books and I will have another look for them.

Wishing everyone safe travels, a Merry Christmas and a Happy New year!

Best wishes,

Miss Twomey


Year 2 reading  corner


Dear Parents,


Please see attached this weeks spelling list, spelling words where the <ch> sound in the word makes a /k/ sound. Please see your child’s book bag for a comprehension text on 'Remembrance Day'.  Finally, log onto Mathletics (login can be found stapled to the front cover of each child’s reading record) account to accesses this week's assigned math homework. 


Have a lovely weekend,


Miss Twomey

Home Learning 15/11/19

Home learing w/b 28/10/19

The cello and violin tutors at The Good Shepherd.

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Dear Parents/Carers,


Wishing you all a wonderful half term with a few photos included showing some of the fun activities your child took part in this week. Please be aware, if I have shaded over your child's face it is only because I have not been permitted to put your child's picture on our website.


Activities included:
Ella's Kitchen visitor
Pirate day
Golf lessons
Music demo from the violin and cello tutors.


Kind Regards,


Miss Twomey



Dear Parents/Carers,

To celebrate all of the children’s hard work this half term, we will be having a pirate day on Friday the 18th of October. The children will dress up as pirates and will take part in fun activities related to the topic.

Please encourage your child to make their costume out of recycled material if they don’t already have one.

Throughout the week, could I also request that you send in any old boxes or plastic bottles as we will also be building ships.

Kind Regards,

Miss Twomey

Please find attached, home learning for the week beginning 7-10-10

Dear Parents,


Please find attached above the children's home learning for the week beginning 30-9-19.


Can I request that all parents make sure not to put your child's hair in a tight bun on PE day (Wednesday) as the children are struggling to do forward rolls with them in.


Have a lovely weekend,


Kind Regards,


Miss Twomey

Dear Parents,


Please find attached above this weeks home learning. Please remember to help your child practice there new spelling list (week 2) over the weekend and during the week. Spelling tests will always be held on a Friday and home learning will be due in on Thursday each week.


Please make sure your child has their name on every piece of clothing including tights etc.


Kind Regards,


Miss Twomey



Dear Parent

I am writing to update you on routines which will be continuing throughout the academic year.

Children’s books will be changed daily if your child has read, this could change throughout the academic year to three times a day depending on time restrictions. In saying that, I do not expect your child to read every day, a minimum of three times a week is appropriate. 

Home learning will be given out every Friday and will almost always link to what your children have been learning that week. Your child’s Mathlethics log in has been stapled onto the inside of your child’s reading record, please use this throughout the academic year to reaffirm what your child is learning in school as it all links to the curriculum. 

I have included a spelling list as part of your child’s home learning and we will have a spelling test every Friday. The word list is subject to change depending on how difficult or easy your child is finding the words, however, you will be informed if this ever happens.

If you wish to speak to me privately at any point throughout the academic year please do not hesitate to make an appointment or send your child in with a note and I will arrange the quickest possible time available.

It has been a pleasure meeting you all and teaching your children here at The Good Shepherd.


Warmest Regards,

Miss Twomey

Year 2 Curriculum map Autumn term

Homework Friday 13th September 2019

Welcome to Year 2 2019 - 2020!

Year 1 2018 - 2019 archive


Our half term in review!

Hello everyone! Here is a round up of everything Year 1 were getting up to during the term!

History: We were learning about Parliament and Prime Ministers. We learnt about the important roles and jobs in Parliament. We studied Simon De Monfort and Robert Walpole, who had integral roles in the history of parliament and prime ministers. We went on an incredible trip to the Houses of Parliament! We went to the Education Center and watched a movie about King John, The Magna Carta, Simon De Monfort, The Suffragettes and all the way up to our current parliament and prime minister. It was really interesting! We then went on a guided tour of the Houses of Parliament! We even saw a replica of the Magna Carta! We met a Lord, called Lord Roberts in the House of Lords. We also had the pleasure and amazing experience of seeing the Speaker, John Bercow- he even said 'You are very welcome here today!' We all felt so special! It was a fantastic trip and we all really enjoyed it!

PE:  We had a particularly active half term aswell! We had cricket lessons with Jonathan every Wednesday morning and we loved it! We also had a workshop called A-Life in school. We did lots on work on healthy eating an looking after our bodies! Today we did a fitness workshop which was really fun - and tiring!

Reading:  We have been very busy readers this term aswell! We finished our class story book, we were reading The Wizard of Oz during fruit time every day. We loved listening to the story - Miss O'Leary even put on funny voices for all the characters! We have been reading every day during , D.E.A.R time ( Drop Everything And Read). This is a special time when we read together as a class! We love reading!


DT Project Ideas

Teddy is home, back with Flo and ready for an adventure! I wonder where Teddy is off to today!

Teddy is all set for Ireland! Have a wonderful Easter everyone!

Chick update- 8am Saturday

Our chicks were up chirping bright and early this morning! Miss O’Leary is just about to change their brooder, set out some new bedding and give the chicks some breakfast!

Have a fantastic sunny Saturday , Love from , The Chicks x

Chick Update Friday 8:30pm

Our wonderful chicks are ‘egg-hauseted’ after their busy week! Miss O’Leary has taken them home for the weekend to look after them, and they’re just about to go to bed! Check back in the morning to see what time they wake for breakfast! Fingers crossed they won’t be up at the crack of dawn! 

Our weeks in review- Spring part 2

We have been very busy in Year 1 lately! Apologies for the delay in posting updates- here is a quick over view smiley

Science workshops:  We were so lucky to have not one but two super workshops organised by Miss McDaid for science week! We made slime with Sublime Science, and we had a mystery to solve with a Forensic Science workshop.

English: We had great fun dressing up for World Book Day. We even had a special visitor- a famous illustrator! Tony De Saulles is the illustrator behind Horrible Science books and even wrote a series of books called - Bee Boy! Tony gave us a fantastic workshop about how to draw our own illustrations.

EGG-CITING NEWS: As you may be aware, we have 10 new members of our class - our wonderful chicks! Ten eggs arrived in an incubator on Monday. On Tuesday we started to see some cracks and saw that the chicks were 'pipping' and starting to hatch. On Wednesday morning when Miss O'Leary came into school , she was shocked to see 5 beautiful fluffy little beings! Five chicks hatched on Wednesday followed by the 5 other on Thursday. We have had a fantastic time learning about chicks, and observing the changes in the chicks over the last few days! Miss O'Leary has put a link to some fun resources which you can look into at home! Keep an eye on the class page to see some updates over the weekend!

I've also attached some phonics and examples of Mental maths tests to practice at home below.

Have a fantastic weekend everyone!

Miss O'Leary


Mental Maths Practice

Our weeks in review- Spring 2

Hello everyone! Miss O'Leary has had some catching up to do with our reviews! We have been extremely busy the last few weeks so check it out!

Sublime Science: We recently experienced a Sublime Science workshop! Miss McDaid organised for us to have a fun filled science afternoon. We learned about different scientific concepts, such as how sound travels, how air can be manipulated and how combining different substances can cause a reaction ( we made our own sweets!)

World Book Week: We had a fun filled book week last week to celebrate world book day! We had a book swap, dressed up as our favorite character and had a fantastic book themed lunch, which Mrs Henbrey organised!

PSHE: To mark Mental Health Week recently, Nurse Lisa came to school and spoke to us about how we can be 'bucket fillers'. A bucket filler is someone who fills up their own 'bucket' or somebody else's , to make that person feel good! We read a story with Nurse Lisa and spoke about the different ways we can fill buckets!

ICT: We have been very busy in Year 1 with computing lately! We were coding 'spirited ' and using algorithms to move the object! We also published some pieces of writing using J2 write, a program especially for younger coders like us!

PE: We have had some exciting PE lessons lately! We played football ( soccer as Ms O'Leary calls it) and practiced skills like dribbling, shooting and passing. In gymnastics we have been working on our agility skills, balancing on beams and climbing. We've also practised our teamwork skills using a parachute!

Sorry for the delay in recent reviews but hopefully we are back on track! I have attached some links for songs and games online below if you want to check them out!

Have a fantastic week, 

Miss O'Leary smiley



Our week in review- Monday 29th January -Friday 1st February

We have been busy preparing our masterpiece for the Spring Ball this week -take a look at everything we've been up to!

Religion: Today we celebrated the feast of St Brigid. We read a story about her cloak that could grow to cover enough land so she could build a church! We learned that she is the patron saint of the sick and poor in Ireland. We also weaved a cloak just like hers using paper!

Art: This week we have been busy creating a wonderful piece of art work for the auction at the Spring Ball. Our piece is inspired by artist Leonid Afremov and is titled 'Big Ben, London'. We decided to call our piece of art 'A London Dream'. A lot of hard work and patience went into our piece of art, which Miss Kennedy helped us to draw!

Cookery: In cookery this week we made homemade pork sausages. We mixed together mince, apples and garlic. They were delicious! We also made some mini pizzas!

Maths: In maths this week we have started to learn about length. We discussed what instruments we use to measure- like rulers. We went around the classroom practising our measuring skills!


That's all for this week! Check out the pictures below to see our week in photos!

Have a wonderful weekend, and for anyone attending our Spring Ball , we hope you have a fantastic time!

Miss O'Leary

Spanish Songs

Our week in review- 21st -25th January 2019

We had a fantastic week in Year 1 this week- take a look!

ICT: This week we became coders in Year! We were learning about algorithms and now know that an algorithm is a set of instructions. We made an algorithm to give instructions to a rocket ship so it could visit each planet in the universe. We used a program called J2 code.

RE: This week we listened to and acted out the story of the Presentation.  We made a link to how Joseph and Mary brought Jesus to the temple to be blessed by God, and how our families brought us to Church to be baptized when we were babies too!

Cookery: This week we were cooking like master bakers! We made some Irish soda bread, and we all mixed and kneaded the bread mixture. We also helped Etain to weigh out the ingredients! We are really enjoying cooking this term!

We are working so hard in Year 1 and are growing so fast! Miss O'Leary is incredibly impressed by everything we can do! :) 

We're also working on something special for the Good Shepherd Spring Ball. We have our artistic hats on in class! Keep an eye out at the ball for a special master piece handmade by Year 1 ! sad

Have a wonderful weekend,

Miss O'Leary

Our week in review - 14th January - 18th January 2019

Sorry about the delay in this review! We had very busy week in Year 1! 

Take a look!

ICT: In ICT this week we worked in groups to create some cool images on Paint 3D. We practiced using the mouse pad, and learned how to save a file! Our typing skills are really improving! Check out what some of our class made below!

History: In History we have been reading a story about King John. In our opinion he was quite a naughty king! Ms Backshall has offered to come and teach us next week about the Magna Carta!

Maths: In Maths this week we have been learning about 2D and 3D shapes! We went on a shape hunt around our playground and found some really cool shapes! Did you know the football we play with at playtimes is a sphere!

Cooking: This week in Cooking class we made, flatbread and sponge cake with jam in between the layers! It was so delicious! We also made an orange cake for the teachers in the staff room- Miss O'Leary said Mr Davis gobbled it all up!

Spanish: This week in Spanish we learned how to count! We also had a surprise visitor! Adriana's best friend from Spain came to visit! Ana was so nice and helped us to learn our numbers!

Garden: We have noticed some of the herbs and plants that were planted by some of our mummies are starting to grow! Our signs look great in the garden and they inform everyone on what plant is growing! A big thank you to everyone who was involved! 

We had a great week! We started to do Mental Maths tests on Friday with Miss O'Leary and I have included the questions asked and also a brief summary of how to support your child at home! Each week I will upload the questions that were asked and a small summary of how to practice at home :)

I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend!

Miss O'Leary


Our week in review- 7th January-11th January 2019

Happy New Year! Welcome back everyone, I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas break!

We have had a crazy busy week back in Year 1- take a look!

Feast of the Epiphany: Mrs Lavelle lead us in assembly this week to celebrate the Feast of the Epiphany, when the three wise men traveled to see baby Jesus. They followed a star from the East and brought three gifts- check and see if we can remember the names of the gifts!

Spanish: We are extremely lucky in Year 1 this term as we have been given the opportunity to learn Spanish with Marcelo! This week we learned a song called 'Buenos Dias'. We love Spanish and cannot wait to learn more!

Cookery: We are super lucky to also start cookery in Year 1 this term! We are the first Year 1 class to cook in the school! Cookery will be on every Friday, and we go in groups of 6 and 7 for one hour with our cookery teacher Etain. Today we made Irish Soda Bread, Marmite Pasta ( which was delicious!) and an omelette! We loved learning about how to cook and we all said we would try these recipes at home! Over the weekend Miss O'Leary will try to upload the pasta recipe!

History:  We have started a very interesting topic this term - Kings, Queens and Leaders. We have been discussing some of the key vocabulary for the topic and turns out we knew a lot of things already! For example we learned the word coronation and thought we had heard it before.... Then we remembered we heard it in the movie 'Frozen' because Elsa was preparing for her coronation day when she would get the crown!

We all settled back into our work really well this week and worked extremely hard! We heard all about Teddy's adventures in Ireland and all about the mischief he was up to!

Miss O'Leary will post some pictures over the weekend!

* clubs after school will be starting back this week*

*Spring Curriculum Map is on the website*

Have a great week everyone, 

Miss O'Leary smiley

Marmite Pasta- Nigella Lawson 


Serves: 4-6


  • 375 grams spaghetti
  • 50 grams unsalted butter
  • 1 teaspoon marmite (or more to taste)
  • freshly grated parmesan cheese (to serve)


  1. Cook the spaghetti in plenty of boiling salted water, according to the packet instructions.
  2. When the pasta is almost cooked, melt the butter in a small saucepan and add the Marmite and 1 tablespoon of the pasta water, mixing thoroughly to dissolve. Reserve ½ cup of pasta water; then drain the pasta and pour the Marmite/Vegemite mixture over the drained spaghetti, adding a little reserved pasta water to amalgamate if required. Serve with plenty of grated Parmesan cheese.Spaghetti With Marmite

Some activities to keep busy before back to school!

Christmas Day!

Merry Christmas everyone! I hope everyone is having a wonderful daysmiley Santa Claus visited Teddy last night but Teddy has been up to his old tricks this morning, and has made a mess with his wrapping paper! Such a naughty Teddy! 

Christmas Eve!

Teddy is very excited in Ireland tonight! He's just back from Christmas Eve mass, where we watched our priest light the final white candle to celebrate the birth of Jesus! Teddy has said his prayers and is snuggled up, ready to go to bed! I hope everyone in Year 1 is in bed early and ready for Santa Claus tonight! 🎅🏻

Our week in review- 17th- 21st December.

We have had a fantastic final week in Year 1! We have been very busy with lots of fun activities to help us finish off the term- check it out!

Carol service: On Tuesday afternoon we were very lucky, as we made it to church to watch the KS2 children practice and prepare for their carol service. We listened to them sing some wonderful hymns, and even heard a few musicals performances!

Christmas lunch: On Wednesday we celebrated Christmas with a fantastic school lunch. We had turkey, roast potatoes, brussel sprouts, 'pigs in blankets', vegetables, and even some pudding and mince pies as a treat. We had a fantastic time! 

VIP visitor:  We has a special visit from Santa Claus, he said that we have all made the nice list but that we all need to stay on our best behavior until Christmas. Santa has given on our behalf, some wonderful gifts to children, who don't have a lot at Christmas, such as Fantastic Football, the gift of reading, and Trees For Life, through the CAFOD organisation. Our class are very proud of this gift.

We have had a great term this year and have learnt so much! I am so proud of each and every one of the fantastic pupils in Year 1! 

On behalf on Adrianna and myself, I would like to thank everyone for the thoughtful and beautiful gifts at Christmas! I hope everyone has a wonderful Christmas, I 'll be updating our page throughout the term with some pictures of Teddy, and some fun activities to keep little ones busy!

Have a wonderful break,

Miss O'Leary


Teddy is on his way home! Merry Christmas everyone!

Our Week in review- 10th-14th December 2018

Oh what a wonderfully busy week we have had here in Year 1 this week! Take a look at what we have been up to smiley

Religion: In Religion this week we have been learning about Mary and Joseph's journey to Bethlehem where baby Jesus was born! We discussed what a baby needs and compared what a baby needs and receives today when they are born to what Jesus had when he was born! We created a fantastic display about the greatest story ever told.

English: In English this week to tie in with our Show and Tell topic- we discussed the season of Winter! We read a story called 'Stick Man' by our favorite  author Julia Donaldson. In the story we saw how the stick man went on a journey and we could discuss and identify what season it was from the illustrations. 

Art:We have been working really hard on finishing our snowman crafts! Take a look at our *work in progress* !

Nativity: A huge congratulations to all the children involved in our KS1 Nativity- it was an incredible performance! Year 1 sang their song extremely well and looked very 'angelic' on stage! 

PJ Day: We had a lot of fun today raising money for the Baron's Court Project! We all wore our pj's to school including Miss O'Leary!! We had a lot of fun playing outside with our Teddies in the afternoon- our class Teddy loved having lots of new friends to play with for the day!

That's all for this week! I have linked some vocabulary to help with this week's RE homework about the Nativity story. I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!

Miss O'Leary 


Our week in review Monday 3rd- Friday 7th December 2018

This week has been very busy as we prepare for our KS1 Nativity! Take a look at everything we've been up to!

Maths: We have been working on number patterns in Maths this week. Mr Davis came and visited our class during the week and worked with some children to make towers using number patterns.

Art:  We created some wonderful snowmen using cotton wool and some ribbon! We discussed Winter and even made a brand new display about our new Season! 

Show and Tell: We had some really great pieces for show and tell this week! We had a pretty big Christmas card, a story board of the Nativity, and some lovely figurines!

Advent Liturgy: On Tuesday afternoon Mrs Moore- Jaunaii led our KS1 Advent Liturgy. We are learning about Advent in school! We will all know what candle to light in Church this Sunday!

Thank you to everyone for returning the Angel costumes for the Nativity! We are really looking forward to it in Year 1!

** REMINDER: KS1 Nativity @  1:45 pm- hope to see you there!**

I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!

Miss O'Leary

Our week in review 26th-30th November 2018

This week has been very exciting in Year 1- take a look!

Science: We had a special surprise this week when Miss McDaid, who teaches Year 6 came down to teach us a science lesson! Miss McDaid is an expert in science and is the science leader in our school- we are so lucky! We carried out an experiment to see how jelly changes from a solid to a liquid and sets as a solid when you cool it down! We really loved this lesson and the jelly was delicious! 

P.E: On Wednesday we were practicing our balance skills in our P.E lesson! We practiced balancing on different pieces of equipment in our school hall. We love gymnastics!

Art:In art this week we made some wreaths just in time for the Christmas Fair! We used paper plates and tissue paper! We also created some signs for the Mary Garden. Some of our lovely parents were involved in tidying up the Mary Garden earlier this year and planted some wonderful herbs and plants! Next time you pass the Mary Garden you might see our lovely signs!

Sorry for the delay in uploading this week's review! I have left a link to our 2 songs for the Nativity below smiley

I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend and enjoyed the Christmas Fair!

Miss O'Leary


Our week in review 12th-17th November 2018

We have had a jammed pack week this week! We had an incredible performance, a wonderful assembly and a really interesting workshop in school! Check out what we've been up to below!

Maths: In Maths this week we have been focusing on subtraction, we know that when we subtract we are taking away a number, and we know that the answer will be smaller than the number we started with!

English:In English this week we spoke about and discussed World War 1. This was a very special week as we remembered those who died in the First World War. On Wednesday we participated in a Poppy Workshop where we learnt about the jobs women had during the war! We heard that women were train drivers, ticket collectors, shop keepers and bus drivers!

Sheku Kanneh- Mason: On Monday we were incredibly lucky as we had the pleasure of listening to a performance by the world-renowned cellist Sheku Kanneh -Mason! We had a wonderful afternoon listening to his performance with local schools and we wrote a card for Sheku to thank him for coming to see us!

Sorry for the delay in this week's review! Hope everyone had a lovely weekend!

Miss O'Leary

Our week in review-  5th -9th November 2018

We have had a very busy week this week! We had a V.I.P visitor in our class on Friday, Miss O'Leary's sister! Take a look at what we were doing!

Maths:  We were working really hard on subtraction stories this week, we even made up our own stories!

Science: We had a really fun science lesson today with Miss O'Leary's sister Claire! Claire helped us to test water-proof materials so we could make a raincoat for Teddy! Claire is studying fashion in University in Dublin, Ireland! We have some really cool pictures from today below!

English: In our Literacy lessons this week, we read a really interesting story, called , The Everywhere Bear. It was so similar to our class and our Teddy! We thought the author Julia Donaldson, had been spying on our class !!

Topic:  I have linked a website to help with this weeks homework below , and also some resources to help with our RE and Art homework.

Have a wonderful week everyone!

Miss O'Leary

Our week in review 29th October- 2nd November

We've had a lovely week back in school after our half term! It was great to see so many excited faces on Monday morning! Take a look at everything we've been doing this week!

English: In English this week, we read the story 'The Tiger who came to tea'. It was a very funny story! We thought of alternative titles for it - The Penguin who came to a picnic, The Lion who came to lunch! Some ideas were fantastic!

Maths: In Maths this week we have been learning about subtraction. We made our own subtraction stories up today! Some were really clever! For example , there were 5 tigers on the safari, 3 went hunting and there was 2 left. ( 5-3=2)

Topic: As a part of Black History Month in October, we learned about Rosa Parks. We watched a documentary about her life, and about how she stood up and fought for her civil rights. We discussed discrimination in our class, and all agreed that a person shouldn't be treated differently just because of the way they look, or where they come from! We wrote about Rosa Parks in our books, it was a really interesting topic!

Golden Time: We had a very exciting and well suited Golden time treat this week! We get Golden time on Friday afternoons when we all reach our dojo point target as a class! This week we made hot chocolate and had mini marshmallows on top! We watched the story of The Tiger who came to tea, being acted out in a theatre! Check out our pictures below!

Finally we had a lovely day celebrating All Saints Day in school yesterday! Miss O'Leary was so sad to miss it! Everyone in class did a fantastic job in show and tell this week, discussing a saint they admired!

I have posted this week's tricky words list below, and just a reminder that Parent's Evening letters went home in book bags today, and slots will be given out on a first come first served basis :)

I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend !

Miss O'Leary

Our week in review - 15th-19th October 

We have had a very busy week leading up to half term! Take a look at everything we've been up to!

Cooking: We made some tasty treats in Year 1 this week as a reward for all the hard work we have been doing! We mixed Rice Krispies , with some melted butter and marshmallows- and then we decorated the faces with green icing and some sweeties and fruit! We really enjoyed our cooking session - check out our creations below!

Maths: We have been working really hard on number and addition this term! 

English: We have been reading the story of Elmer this week! We discussed how we are all special and unique and we should feel proud to be that way! We wrote about Elmer and coloured in pictures of Elmer with his colourful patchwork!

Topic: This term we have been learning about Great Britain! This week we labelled the countries and nations that make up the British Isles on a map! Some of us even drew  a dot to show where London is!

RE: This term we have been learning about God's Great Plan. We have learnt about the following stories from the Old and New Testament. We listened to the Holy Tales during our fruit time every day! Here are some of the stories we have heard:

The Creation Story

The Story of Adam and Eve

The Feeding of the 5000- The loaves and the fish

Jesus and the blind beggar

Noah's Ark and the great flood.

The Wedding at Cana

The Good Samaritan

Jesus dies on the cross- Mary asked him to be the mother of his friend.

The Prodigal Son

David and the lions den.

The Lost sheep.

I hope everyone has a wonderful half term! I have attached links to a phonics channel on Youtube to help with any phonics over the half term. I've also uploaded the newest tricky words list, as well as a brief guide on how to help with homework!

I'm already looking forward to seeing everybody back after half term!

Ms O'Leary smiley x


Our week in review 8th-12th October 2018

Hello everyone! We have had a very busy week here in Year 1 this week- take a look!

School Trip: We were very lucky this week to have the opportunity to attend the BBC Youth Proms in the Royal Albert Hall! Years 1-6 all attended the morning performance. We took the tube to South Kensington, and walked with our Year 6 buddies to the amazing Royal Albert Hall! We listened to different groups and bands perform. We even took Teddy along for the day! Our favourite performers in Year 1 was a group of singers called Vocalize! We had a great trip out and finished our day off with a picnic outside to have our lunch, as it was such a beautiful day!

English: We have been reading the story of Elmer the elephant in class this week! We are really enjoying this story, we have been discussing how we are all unique in a way, just like Elmer was! We think Elmer would fit in really well in our class next Friday when we celebrate Brighten Up day to raise money for CAFOD!

RE: In RE this week we were learning about a Psalm about creation. We listened to Psalm 8 and discussed how it reminded us about the Creation Story! We wrote letters and prayers to God, thanking him for creating our beautiful world.

Ms O'Leary has attached a link to a Noah's Ark story, which we will be learning about this week and has updated our tricky words list!

I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!

Ms O'Leary smiley

Our week in review - 1st October- 5th October

Hello everyone! Sorry for the delay in posting this weeks review and homework links - we had some computer issues!cool But all is back on track now, I hope the delay didn't cause an inconvenience to anyone ! Take a look at the week we've had! smiley

World Poetry Day: We had a a wonderful day celebrating World Poetry day with a whole school assembly on Friday. We recited a beautiful poem about Creation and God's World. Thank you to everyone who brought in a poem for our school display!

Religion: In RE this week we were learning about how we can look after God's wonderful world! We spoke about the importance of recycling and being mindful of how much single use plastic we use everyday- some of our class even wrote letters in class to tell everyone how to care for our common home! 

CAFOD: We were very lucky to have a wonderful lady called Bethany, come into school to speak to us this week. Bethany spoke about CAFOD's new campaign called the 'Brighten Up' campaign which is aiming to help impoverished  families around the world. We heard about the stories of children the same age as us in Year 1, who travel long distances for clean water everyday! We discussed with Mrs Lavelle about the importance of clean water in our everyday lives- we use it for so many things! There's a link below to the CAFOD page with more information about their new campaign!smiley

Finally just a note to say, we've noticed some of the Year 1 parents volunteering to help give some TLC to our Mary Garden in school and really want to say thanks a bunch! Our Mary Garden is a special area of our playground, where we can go if we want some quiet time to sit and think, or if we want to pray- we often use our Mary Garden as a setting for our class Collective Act of Worship! heart

The new tricky word list is posted below along with a link to the CAFOD website, there's also some pictures from our Poetry Assembly!

I hope everyone has a wonderful week, and looking forward to seeing everybody back on Monday!

Ms O'Leary smiley


Our week in review- 24th -28th September 2018

Hello everyone we have had a great week here in Year 1! Take a look of what we've been up to :

Religion: We created some beautiful pieces of Art this week based on what we have learnt about The Creation Story! We chose different colored tissue paper to represent the different parts of the world God created. We glued the pieces of tissue paper into silhouettes of a cross and an angel. We also made our own creation story book! We each wrote our own version based on the story from the Book of Genesis.

PSHE: This week we looked at the different things we need to keep us healthy. We decided some things we definitely need to stay healthy, like , water, oxygen, sleep and healthy food.

Collective Act of Worship: This week in collective act of worship, in response to the Word we read, we had to write postcards to our families! We had to write a postcard letting our families know that we prayed for them in school and we listened to the story of Adam and Eve- which we will be learning all about in Religion next week!

Golden Time activity: On Friday afternoon, when all our work was completed we played with Mr Davis's enormous football! We had great fun playing a football match and then we played a game with Ms O'Leary- it was great fun!

I have attached the Tricky Word list for the week- these are five words that your child will need to learn to read. I will post a new list with 5 words each week smiley

I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!

See you all on Monday!

Ms O'Leary


Our week in review- 17th -21st September 2018

Hello everyone! I have heard that Year 1 had a great week this week with Ms Kettle and Adrianna! Year 1 were very busy this week- take a look!

Maths: In Maths we were practicing number bonds to 10. A number bond is a way of combining two numbers to make another number , for example 5+5=10,2+8=10. We practiced using cubes and counters to make number bonds to 10! Next week we will be learning about numbers 11-20!

Religion: In Religion this week we heard about the seven days of creation. We acted out creating the seven days, using different colored cloths and toys we had in our classroom! We all took it in turns to add a creation to our world. 

Art: In Art this week we created a world with our own two hands just like God did! We created different shades of blue by mixing paint to represent the oceans and used green crepe land to represent the land. We know from our story of creation that 'And the evening and the morning were the second day. And God said, Let the waters under the heaven be gathered together unto one place, and let the dry land appear: and it was so. And God called the dry land Earth; and the gathering together of the waters called he Seas: and God saw that it was good.

We have displayed our worlds around our holy area in class!

I would also just like to note and commend the Year 1 class for their excellent composure, listening and actions, on Thursday, during the evacuation. I am incredibly proud of how our class exited the school safely and listened so well to all the teachers and staff at school.

Looking forward to seeing everyone this week-

Ms O'Leary smiley

Our Week in review- 10th-14th September 2018

Hi everyone- we have been very busy in Year 1 this week! Take a look at what we've been up to!

Catholic Life of our School: This week we went to church with Year 2, Ms Moore Jaunaii and Fr Mark! We were at church for Adoration. At the end of last term we were very lucky and Fr Mark celebrated Adoration in our school with us! Ms O'Leary has left a picture below to help remind us- it was a bit of time ago! As a reminder this week we spoke about how Jesus is in the Eucharist- which is the bread we receive at mass ( once we have made our Holy Communion!) We learned this week that when Fr Mark blesses the bread it becomes the body of Jesus. We were able to identify the special time during mass when this happens- the altar servers ring a bell! We will be learning more about Adoremus during this year!

Religion: We started our religion topic for the term this week! This term we will be learning about God's Great Plan. This week we discussed all the wonderful things in God's world that God created. In Show and Tell we spoke about our families, and in RE we saw that our families were a wonderful creation made by God! Our homework spellings from last week helped us a lot with our special writing about God this week.We also started to discuss our school mission statement. Ms O'Leary has sent it home as part of our talk homework for this week. We all agreed that the first line and quote in our mission statement is a really important sentence to remember everyday! In Collective Act of Worship we lit a special candle that Ms O'Leary received for the World Meeting of Families in Ireland at the end of the summer. The special candle has been blessed and has a picture of Pope Francis on it! We also said the World Meeting of Families Prayer. Ms O'Leary has left a link to the World Meeting of families prayer below for you to say and keep at home.Next week will be learning about the creation story- Ms O'Leary has left a link to the creation story below to help with this week's RE talk homework.

PSHE: This week we were learning about the PANTS rules. We learned about 'good' and 'bad' touches. We learned a lot form the Pantsasorus song! We created posters to help us remember the PANTS rules which keep us safe! Ms O'Leary has left a parent guide to the PANTS rules below and a link to the Pantsasorus song online!

Topic: We were writing about where our families come from! Our class is very unique with so many families from all over the world! Thanks to everyone for their terrific show and tells about their families!

Ms O'Leary will be away with Year 6 on their PGL trip next week. We are very excited to have Ms Kettle teaching us all week! Have a wonderful weekend!

Ms O'Leary smiley

Welcome to Year 1 - Our first week in review!

5th-7th September 2018

I would like to offer everyone a very warm welcome back to school! I hope everyone had a wonderful summer! Here is what we got up to in school this week, and some helpful information for the year ahead smiley

Reading Books: Reading books will be changed every Monday and Thursday. Please remind your child on these mornings to put their reading book and reading record into the pink box. Please sign and comment on how your child read their book

Homework and Spellings: Homework is given out each Friday and is collected the following Thursday- until the end of the Autumn term the children will be assigned 'Talk Homework' along with spelling homework. A spelling check is done every Friday morning.

Our class Teddy: Each Friday our class bear -'Teddy' goes home with a very lucky child in Year 1! Teddy will also bring along his diary so your child can write about what he did with your family over the weekend- feel free to draw a picture or take a photo of what you get up to!

Our Family Prayer Book: Our very special Family Prayer book is sent home during the week with child. Please take a few days to compose a prayer or share a family prayer in our book. A copy of last year's prayer book is on display in the school office if you'd like some inspiration or ideas.

If you ever have an questions or queries, please feel free to contact the school office to pass a message or arrange a meeting with Ms O'Leary smiley

Looking forward to getting to know everyone over the year !

Ms O'Leary

Our Week in review

Here's a quick look of what we started this week :

Religion: We spoke about our class saint - Saint Raphael the Archangel. We learned about where he came from and why he was made a saint! We painted beautiful pictures of Saint Raphael- take a look below ! We also held a special Collective Act of Worship to start off our year in the best way, with the help of Jesus- our Good Shepherd!

English: We wrote about our wonderful summer holidays, everyone was very busy! We also started our brand new handwriting books- we're practicing writing our letters in the correct direction! Ms O'Leary has attached a worksheet to help practice at home if you would like!

Maths: In Maths we're starting to learn more about numbers 0-10. We are practicing writing these numbers, and how to spell this numbers- Ms O'Leary has left a practice sheet to use at home below!


That's a quick review of our week so far! I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!

Ms O'Leary frown


Reception- Year 1 Transition Meeting

Just some answers to some of the questions brought up during this afternoon's brief meeting: smiley


  • Where to buy uniform ( ties/ jumpers) will a form be sent out?  Uniforms can be purchased from the school office. When we return in September if it is very warm children can wear short sleeved shirts or their yellow tshirts.
  • How to support your child over the summer holidays? I have linked some fun and exciting websites for phonics . I ve also attatched a letter formation and number formation worksheet to help practice writing over the summer term ( this is not compulsory). An excellent activity would be asking your child to dress themselves, or to practice writing with a pencil at a table or a desk.
  • Information about what your child is learning / will be learning? I will update the class web page at the end of each week with a weekly review to give an insight into what we have been up to during the week! A curriculum map will also be on the webpage in September.
  • Any differences in play/ play times ? Year 1 have 3 playtimes during the day- one at 10:30-10:45, an hour at lunchtime from 12-1, and 15 minutes in the afternoon around 2 pm. They will have access to an abundance of equipment, blocks, lego,  ball games and apparatus in the main playground.


I hope everyone has a wonderful summer and feel free to send a postcard back to our classroom Teddy in school! Happy Summer!

Ms O'Leary

2017-2018 Reception Archive

Wonderful World


In our Summer topic, we learn what the terms city, country and continent mean.  Our journey begins in the amazing city of London.  A trip to the River Thames showed us how important this river is to the people, animals and plants for many reasons.






Later that week, we looked at some iconic buildings in London, including the Houses of Parliament and Buckingham Palace.  We learned a little about the Royal Family and had a very posh afternoon tea with scones and jam!











One of Harry's dinosaurs has come to play with Year 1's newly-hatched chicks! Don't worry, we're keeping a careful eye on them.

We hope you're all having fun in the snow!  The Nursery and Year 1 blogs have plenty of snow-related activities for you to do if you'd like to but if you are keen to get back to our dinosaurs, then perhaps you'd like to gather some playdough or empty boxes and create your own dinosaur.  You could use a book or a toy to help you build it.  You could paint it when you have finished making it.  Ask someone to guess what kind of dinosaur it is.  Alternatively, draw a picture of a dinosaur then write its name underneath.  Ask a grown-up to help you write some adjectives to describe you new dinosaur.  Is it scary or friendly?  Is it large, long or very small?  Does it swim or fly? What features does it have?


Or you could wrap up warm, put your wellies on and go out and watch the clouds!  See if you can spot any clouds that look like a dinosaur.  Do they have spikes, plates or a long tail?  You could ask a friend or family member to play with you.  Who can spot the most?


Whatever you do, keep warm and safe and we hope very much to see on Monday. smiley


Mrs Henbrey and Sarah





Star light, star bright

First star I see tonight

I wish I may, I wish I might

Have the wish I wish tonight.



As the nights draw in and the weather gets cold and frosty, we have been looking at the different festivals that people celebrate in the run up to Christmas, and conducting scientific experiments into light and dark, using torches and the dark tent in our classroom.   


We learned that white light from the sun is actually made up of all the colours of the rainbow.  We are investigating this by making flitter jars and experimenting with torches and water.  We made goggles with different coloured lenses.  Bella, Abigail, Hosanna, Henry and Ferdy loved imagining what the world would be like in different colours!  






We have been talking about light, shadows and materials all morning thanks to our homemade flitter jars.  Flitter jars mimic the snow domes that have been popular since Victorian times, which contain objects in a swirling snowstorm.  For ours, children brought in an empty jar, filled it with water, used pipettes and food colouring to change the colour of their water and spooned in glitter and metallic confetti.  ALL BY THEMSELVES!




The children enjoyed learning about how shadows are formed; used and explored the meaning of key vocabulary - liquid, patterns, shadows, light, movement and change; made and explored an object and observed it closely; explored phenomena and looked for patterns and change; described, talked about and recorded what they observed; became aware of cause and effect and offered explanations. 









One of our books of the week is Pumpkin Soup by Helen Cooper.  Cat, Duck and Squirrel live in an old, white cabin in the woods with a pumpkin patch.   Every day Cat slices up some pumpkin, Squirrel stirs in some water and Duck tips in a 'pipkin of salt' to make perfect pumpkin soup for a cold evening.  We tried it ourselves.  First Leo found a pumpkin in the garden; Hosanna got all the cooking equipment ready; Jack tied his apron all by himself; Michael got to work with the peeler and then chopped up the pumpkin with a VERY SHARP knife!




Next France-Fontaine chopped up a carrot and cut it into ten pieces. Chopping onions made him, Henry and Jack cry!  Emi and Emilia helped out, pouring in the water and stirring the soup until it was ready.  We added a pipkin of salt and Antoni tasted it and gave it the thumbs up.




Hands-on cooking activities help the children develop pride and confidence in their skills and abilities.  It develops their small muscle control and eye-hand coordination, inspires their curiosity, offering new opportunities to make predictions and observations.   It also offers a great opportunity for mathematical and language development and allowed us to act out a story that has an important message about friendship, loyalty and teamwork.  Plus we got to show off our skills to local celebrity Kitty AND eat the end result.




Some of us are now going to make a missing poster to help Cat and Squirrel find Duck and others are to going to write some simple instructions for how to make pumpkin soup. 











smiley Wonderful Me! smiley


At the beginning of the year we thought about different aspects of our lives, our families, our homes and ourselves.  We brought in baby photos and thought about what we can do now that we couldn't do then.  We talked about what we liked, what we didn't like, what made us happy and what made us sad.  We looked at how our amazing bodies worked, and explored our senses. 




Throughout the year, play is an important vehicle for fostering mathematical concepts and developing positive attitudes to maths and problem solving.  Look at Austin, Ferdy, Benjie and Zuzanna, all following their own mathematical fascinations during play.  When we gather daily to do our formal mathematical focus, the children have had crucial, practical experience.   






In religion, the children are learning that they are special to their family and to God.  They are beginning to understand that when we help others we are pleasing God.  



Year 6 buddies


We have an amazing team of around ten Year 6 buddies who regularly give up their lunchtimes to practise reading with individual children, teaching them turn-taking games and encouraging them to become articulate and confident. 








Please find below the Powerpoint presentation from our Phonics Workshop on Friday 13th October 2017

For more information about what your child will be learning please look at Development Matters here.

Our School Prayers

Writing - Why not take a look at these hand and Pencil control activities to support your child with early writing.

Last year's photos of the current Reception class when they were in Nursery ...

Laudato Si' week - Thursday. We used empy milk cartons to create something new. We made a catching game. It didn't cost us any money and it was lots of fun from something which we had finished using.

We made flowers for our May Celebration from carrier bags which were no longer useable.

Laudato Si week in Nursery - Tuesday

A helping dog came to school today, we will be raising money for helping dogs on Friday when we come to school dressed up as animals, fruit and vegetables.

Laudato Si week in Nursery - Monday

We read a story called 'The Wump World' in Laudato Si week. It helped us to understand how the Pope wants us to care for our world.

We have been learning about shape

What will we be learning in the first half of the summer term 2017? Take a look here.

We are growing green beans.

Nursery Curriculum Map 2nd half Spring term 2017.

The Life Bus came to The Good Shepherd Catholic Primary School. Nursery went to visit the bus and learnt about our bodies and keeping healthy.

P.C Ray from the Metropolitan Police Service visited us in Nursery. He let us dress up in a real Police uniform. The Police are there to help us. Thank you P.C Ray for teaching us all about your job.

Letter formation - Take a look at these letter formation sheets to support your child with early writing.

What we will be learning in Spring Term 2017

Father Christmas came to visit us at The Good Shepherd! He brought CAFOD gifts for us and some Haribo sweets!

Father Christmas brought gifts for us.  Nursery and Reception were given a 'donkey that delivers' and a 'tippy tap'.  These gifts will help families who are not as lucky as us.  They will make their lives so much better.  Take a look at the gifts you can give at 

We all wish you a very happy and peaceful Christmas and look forward to seeing you in 2017.

Image result for nativity scene images


We have been learning about letters. Each week we learn a new letter. This week we learnt 't'. We found things that begin with 't' and look, we wrote 't' on our white boards.

Here is a Jolly Phonics board for you to look at. Can you tell your grown up at home about the letters we have learnt?

We have been learning about and from our Catholic faith through the topic of God's family. Through collective worship we know that we can talk to God and that he loves us very much. We have listened to scripture and we know that the special book that contains the word of God is called a Bible. We drew our families, we know that God made all people in the world to be part of his family and that we are part of it too. We know that the family of Jesus is our family too.

We made jam tarts.

1 4 9 4 5 8 Visitors
With Love at the core of all we do at The Good Shepherd we: Learn to Love together, Love to Learn together, pray together and play together. Putting our faith into action. Growing in the Love and Truth of Christ in His Church for the benefit of all.