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The Good Shepherd

Catholic Primary School

“I am the Good Shepherd; I know my own and my own know me”. John 10:14"


8th November 2021 - 12th November 2021 

Poppy's will be on sale in the school playground before school each day sold by our Department for Peace and Justice. Come along and pledge your support again this year.


12th November 2021

Cake Sale in the school playground 3.10pm - 3.45pm 

This cake sale is to raise funds for the Good Shepherd book corners and will be sold by our Department for Health and Wellbeing. 

£500 raised and all classes have planned the book corner and teachers are busy purchasing the items the children agreed would really enhance their spaces to read. 


10th December 2021

Online Q&A with

Andy Slaughter

Labour MP for Hammersmith

A huge thank you to Andy for meeting with the children of school parliament at 1.30pm on Microsoft Teams. This was a fantastic session and the children gained so much from having this opportunity. 

Here are some of the questions the children asked Andy...



If there was anything you could do other than being and MP, what would it be?


How did you become an MP?


What has been the most important decision you have been part of?


What has been your biggest challenge?


What has been the hardest vote you have made so far?


Do you have to pay to be an MP?


What makes a good MP?


Can you help the poor and homeless in Hammersmith and Fulham?


What do you think will happen with Hammersmith Bridge?


What do you think about the new COVID restrictions – will this mean schools might close again?


Is it hard being an MP?


We have been working with Mary’s Meals and we work each year to raise money to sponsor a school in Malawi called Beka Primary school, do you think that what Marcus Rashford did to raise awareness of those needing meals in school holidays was a good thing?


Do you have any advice for us as MP’s in The Good Shepherd Parliament?


Shall we tell you what our departments are at Good Shepherd?


Have you any tips for full parliament meetings to make sure we get our ideas heard?

Andy was very impressed by the children's questions. Next step we will email Andy's office to hopefully set up a date for the school parliament to visit The Houses of Parliament! 


1st December - 14th December 2021 

Advent Giving calendar supporting Hammersmith and Fulham food bank. 

Led by our Department for Peace and Justice. 



The Department for Peace and Justice were delighted with your response to our Advent giving calendar! Thank You

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OUTSTANDING OFSTED & CSI 2024 'With Love at the core of all we do at The Good Shepherd we: Learn to Love together, Love to Learn together, pray together and play together. Putting our faith into action. Growing in the Love and Truth of Christ in His Church for the benefit of all.'