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The Good Shepherd

Catholic Primary School

“I am the Good Shepherd; I know my own and my own know me”. John 10:14"


Year 6 Celebrate Australia Day

As part of our geography topic this half-term, we have been learning all about Australia, including its history. Today we celebrated the Aboriginal population of Australia by creating some Aboriginal art as well as making some tasty treats which are normally enjoyed by Australians on this special day. 

Year 5 Mudlarks Project- Song & Performance for Presentation at the Lyric Theatre Hammersmith

Year 5 Mudlarks Project with Urbanwise

Urbanwise- Hammersmith Field Trip Year 4

1 4 9 4 5 8 Visitors
With Love at the core of all we do at The Good Shepherd we: Learn to Love together, Love to Learn together, pray together and play together. Putting our faith into action. Growing in the Love and Truth of Christ in His Church for the benefit of all.