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The Good Shepherd

Catholic Primary School

“I am the Good Shepherd; I know my own and my own know me”. John 10:14"

Year 1- St Raphael the Angel

RE - Jesus Blesses the Children

RE - CST - Solidarity Murals

Maths - Making Rulers (cm)

English - Past Tense Verbs

We investigated which material would be most suitable for an umbrella. 

Art - Group painting inspired by Miro

English - Synonyms for 'said'

Computing - Algorithms with Lego

Science - Exploring Magnets

PSHRE - Physical Contact

RE - Jesus is the light to all nations

Art - Creating Lines Inspired by Miro

Maths - 3D shapes

Creating lines with different materials

Mr Wolf's Pancakes Puppet Show

Maths - Explore Activity

A Visit from The Grinch


Science - Weather Forecast

Religion - Nativity Godly Play

The children have been learning about the seasons and weather in science. Children made their own binoculars and went cloud spotting. Afterwards, the children worded in pairs to make a cloud identification poster. 

Religion - Shepherds Hot Seat

Maths - Making 20

Computing - Following Instructions

Show and Tell - My Favourite Book

History - King John I Role Play

Computing - Exploring Algorithms

Year 1 took part in their first conscience alley. Baby Bear (Miss Usher) had to walk through the centre of the two lines. One line were convincing Baby Bear to to forgive Goldilocks whereas the other line were convincing Baby Bear not to forgive Goldilocks. The children then had to write a letter to Goldilocks. 

Laudato Si' Presentation

The Jolly Postman Delivered a Parcel

Year 1 went on their first school trip to the Ravenscourt Park Glasshouses. Our theme for Laudato Si' week was plants so we chose to go to the glasshouses to plant some plants and create nature art. The children had so much fun putting their learning into action and caring for our common home. 

Year 1 were learning about breakfast foods in cooking. For their final project they had to design and make their own breakfast pot!

Maths - Subtraction Stories

Year 1 used their knowledge and understanding of subtraction to draw and tell number stories!

Children created the world that God made and are caring for our common home with their hands. Children chose one thing that they wanted to do to care for Gods' creation. 

RE - 10 things I can do to help my world

We have been learning about the letter Pope Francis wrote called the Laudato Si'. As part of our learning we read the book '10 things I can do to help my world'. This gave us an understanding of the things we can do to live out the aims of the Laudato Si'.  

Judaism Workshop

1 Million Children Praying the Rosary

Fr. Mark came to visit!

The children and Father Mark had a discussion about Creation. 

Religion - Reflecting on ways to pray

Children reflected on ways to prayer. We prayed through song and also visited the Mary Garden where we prayed to God. 

Spanish Singing and Learning

Maths - Picture Problems

Children have been learning about maps in geography and were able to apply this knowledge to OAA today where they had to work as a team to put together a map of the school. 

Collective Worship - Rosary

Maths - Addition Stories

Gospel Assembly

Year 1 opened the whole school Gospel Assembly and sang 'Wonders I see' by Bernadette Farrell.

Maths - Creating Number Sentences

Year 1 Parliament Elections

Children took it in turn to present their manifestos to the class. We then held a class vote and pupils posted their vote. Well done to all who took part!

Children began counting on today. We used digit cards and number lines. Children had to turn over a digit card each, identify the larger number and count on from that number on a number line. Children also used their fingers. They place the larger number in their head then count on from there using their fingers. 

We had so much fun exploring our senses in science. Children were blindfolded and explored taste, touch and smell. They thoroughly enjoyed the tasting element! 

Number Bond Stories

Children made number bonds using part, part, whole model and then created stories with their partner.


Example: There are 8 children in the playground. 6 are playing on the swings. 2 are playing on the slide. 

English - Wild Rumpus

Our English text is 'Where the Wild Things Are'. We held our very own wild rumpus in class. Children were King Max and others were the Wild Things playing instruments. 

Cooking - Breakfast Foods

Year 1 have been busy in their cooking lessons learning about and making breakfast foods.

In our topic Long, Long Ago, we try to give children a sense of the past. We start with the past when they were babies, then plot some of the things we have previously learned about in history on a timeline. We stretch right the way back to pre-history - their favourite time of all - and learn about dinosaurs! We learn about Mary Anning, the famous fossil hunter, explore fossils, bones and ammonites and try to create the primeval forests and primordial swamps that would have been the landscape during those times.

We learned about the science behind movement in our On the Move topic, seeing for ourselves the importance of pushes and pulls, whether we are pedalling a bicycle in the park or in a sailing boat on the river. We read about vehicles on land, sea and in the sky and made our own using a range of kits and resources, testing our theories for what it is that allows them to move as they do. We even made boat-shaped sandwiches that sailed into our mouths pretty quickly! Here are some pictures of us busy at work...

We've been thinking about all the people that help us keep safe and well including doctors, nurses, police officers, firefighters, builders and cooks. We have had great fun at school dressing up as these people and getting on with our important work!

We have been looking at repeated patterns, matching, pairing and comparing sizes and weights as well as counting in our daily maths sessions. Here are some of our set ups and photos of the children learning to follow instructions and solve mathematical problems through play.

All children are naturally drawn to playing outside and there are numerous benefits of outdoor exploratory play which have a real positive impact on children’s lives. They have the chance to connect with the natural world and have first hand experiences of life and growth. There are endless opportunities for creativity and imagination not to mention improved fitness, developed muscle strength and coordination. Here are some pictures of our garden this half term and of the children making the most of our garden:

A little tour of the classroom showing key areas - our learning journals shelf, our story-voting shelf, our reading area, our wall displays and some of our art based on books we have read so far.

The children are enjoying weekly multi-sport sessions on Monday afternoons and gym sessions on Wednesday morning. They're learning to negotiate space and obstacles safely and to demonstrate strength, balance and coordination as well as having lots of fun.

We have spent three wonderful weeks honing our creative skills using collage, clay, printing, painting and pens and a range of small tools with Auriol at Kite Studios around the corner. We've looked at the work of Giacometti and other artists and created a range of portraits for this half-term's topic - Who Am I?

Our medium term topic map which outlines the skills we are working on this half term ...

Mental Health Awareness Week 

11th July - 15th July

Monday - Squiggle

We enjoyed drawing together with our friends. 

We started with a single line, we all added to the picture.

Tuesday - Wake and Shake

We took part in Wake and Shake, 
We really enjoyed shaking our sillies out.

Shake Your Sillies Out ♫ Brain Breaks Songs for Kids ♫ Kids Action Songs by The Learning Station

Shake Your Sillies Out (with lyrics) is a popular children's brain breaks, action song for kids. It is from the award-winning CD, "Kid's Country Song & Dance".

Part of our RE topic this term, New Life. We learn that May is a very special month where we remember Mary. We know Mary is the Mother of Jesus and our Mother. To show our love for Mary we joined in with the whole school procession and watched year 1 tell the story of Mary's Life.  We then lay flowers at our statue of Mary and prayed the Hail Mary together. 

Yucky Worms

Yucky Worms! Read Aloud Children's Book

Read Aloud Children's Book. Yucky Worms! By Vivian French, illustrated by Jessica Ahlberg.

For New Popular Nursery Rhymes for Children Please SUBSCRIBE- Check out our other nursery rhymes, songs and stories too!

We have new additions to our classroom!

World Book Day 2023

St Andrews Day

Numeral 3 hunt!

Lunchtime at Nursery


How can you help your child to settle in?


Practise our prayers

Each day we gather together to say a morning prayer, a lunchtime prayer and an afternoon prayer.

Morning Prayer

Lunch Time Prayer

Home Time Prayer

Oh my God,

You love me,

You are with me night and day,

I want to love you always,

In all I do and say,

I try to please you Father,

Bless me through this day.



Bless us O Lord

As we sit together,

Bless the food

We eat today,

Bless the hands that make our food,

Bless us O Lord.



God our Father

I come to say,

Thank you for your love today,

Thank you for my family,

And all the friends you give to me

Guard me in the dark of night,

And in the morning send your light.




Read a story under our awning before school

We have a selection of books to read under our awning.  You can spend a few quiet minutes reading with your child before the day begins to settle them before you say goodbye. 


Build their confidence to become an independent individual

Each child has their own peg, please encourage your child to hang up their coats, jumpers and cardigans here. Build their physical skills by practising pulling clothing up and down, before and after using the toilet.   Practise going to the toilet and washing and drying hands properly.


Say goodbye to your child

Get to school in good time so you can say a proper goodbye to your child with a reassuring hug, particularly if they are occasionally worried about coming to school.  If you are late, your child may feel rushed and this may make separation difficult.


Collect your child with a smile

Your child has had a busy day.  Greet them with a smile not your phone.  Talk to them about their day, tell them about yours, get down to their level if you can.  It is a long day; they have missed you.


Share their WOW moments with us

Please share your child's WOW moments with us. We want to know about their WOW moments and love finding out about some of the positive things they have done at home;  we will share them with their friends, too. There is WOW moment slips on our nursery board. 

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OUTSTANDING OFSTED & CSI 2024 'With Love at the core of all we do at The Good Shepherd we: Learn to Love together, Love to Learn together, pray together and play together. Putting our faith into action. Growing in the Love and Truth of Christ in His Church for the benefit of all.'