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The Good Shepherd

Catholic Primary School

“I am the Good Shepherd; I know my own and my own know me”. John 10:14"

Branch 1 Creation & Covenant




In Branch 1, Year 2 explore the themes of God’s Chosen People, Noah’s Ark, the Psalms in the Bible, the role of the Steward, and Laudato Si’: the letter written by Pope Francis as a ‘call to action’ to help save our world. The pupils discussed what it means to care for our common home, and how we can help to support this mission both at school and at home. We talked about the world being a gift from God, and that we are responsible for looking after it.


The children have learnt the Lord’s Prayer and the Hail Mary, and have scribed their own prayers in the class prayer book, reflecting the lesson topics. These are shared in class at the end of each week.


During Laudato Si' week, the class made an ocean mural artwork out of recyclable materials. This represents the need to look after creation, including the vast oceans and sea life that are currently under threat due to the actions of humans.

The children presented this project to children in Early Years, helping to educate them on the importance of Pope Francis’ letter.

Branch 1 Topic Assessment

Branch 1 Topic Assessment

Examples of the end of topic assessment work. The children have demonstrated their learning by using the key words from each lesson in their writing and illustrated this in their pictures. In the assessment lesson, the children are using metacognitive strategies such as ‘think back’ to recall prior learning.

Year 2 Stewardship Prayers

Year 2 Stewardship Prayers

Each week, one pupil takes the class prayer book home. These reflect the themes explored in the lessons. This prayer references our role as stewards of God’s creation, giving examples of how we can help the environment (stop throwing plastic in the sea and stop oil tankers damaging ocean habitats).

Year 2 Laudato Si’ Ocean Mural

Year 2 Laudato Si’ Ocean Mural

Year 2 present their ocean mural artwork to the children in Nursery. They talk about environmental themes such as climate change, as well as the suffering of the poorest people in our communities. The pupils give examples of how we can reduce pollution including riding bikes to school and travelling on less airplanes.

Mary Garden (The Hail Mary)

Mary Garden (The Hail Mary)

In Year 2, we discussed the role of Mary, and the different names for her (Virgin Mary, Holy Mary, Mother Mary). We prayed the Hail Mary as a class, and then went to the Mary Garden to engage in prayer and quiet reflection. The focus on Mary in Branch 1 leads us into our first topic of Branch 2: The Annunciation taken from the Gospel of Luke.

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OUTSTANDING OFSTED 2024 'With Love at the core of all we do at The Good Shepherd we: Learn to Love together, Love to Learn together, pray together and play together. Putting our faith into action. Growing in the Love and Truth of Christ in His Church for the benefit of all.'