“I am the Good Shepherd; I know my own and my own know me”. John 10:14"
September 2023
Parliament elections
Candidates presented their ideas to the class and the whole school voted for the new members of parliament.
Food bank collection December 2023
Our Advent giving calendar
During Advent children will be following our Advent giving calendar and collecting food for our local food bank in White City.
Take a look. We were so pleased to be able to help. When we delivered the food the shelves were empty and we were so happy to fill them again.
Catholic Children's Society gifts for carers at Christmas
Children collected over 100 gifts for young carers for Christmas. Each MP promoted, collected and packed up the gifts ahead of Christmas to ensure the gifts were able to be delivered on time.
Non Uniform Day February 2024
Parliament organised a non-uniform day to raise money for Mary's meals on 8th February. They designed and promoted the event and raised well over £300 towards sponsoring our sister school in Malawi Beka Primary School
Tomato Pasta Sauce - Created by Year 4 in conjunction with the to raise funds for Mary's Meals.