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The Good Shepherd

Catholic Primary School

“I am the Good Shepherd; I know my own and my own know me”. John 10:14"

Reception - St Rose Philipine

We've been very busy during Advent getting ready for Christmas including baking Christmas cakes with Miss Molloy for homeless people who attend the Upper Room near Wendell Park, acting out the story of Mary and Joseph's journey to Bethlehem and the birth of Jesus and being stars in our school Nativity performance. And we loved seeing Father Christmas at the Lyric Theatre and popping in to Ravenscourt Park on the way home for a little play!

This half term's topic, Who Am I? has given us all a chance to get to know each other, to think about our similarities and differences and to understand that we are all made with love and that our happiness depends on us treating others with kindness, gentleness and respect. We are learning the importance of working cooperatively, listening to each others ideas and opinions and taking turns. We are learning to be a good friend to everyone.

This first half term, the children have been given lots of opportunity to explore mathematical concepts, matching by number, function and amounts, identifying sets and sorting by size and colour and understanding and creating repeated patterns. They complete their workbooks consolidating what they have learned.

Bi-weekly PE session in the hall and outside enable the children to develop movement skills such as balance, coordination, reaction, timing, strength and flexibility as well as self-morale and determination. We aim to foster a positive attitude to keeping fit so children see the benefits of this to their own well-being and good health.

The children need little encouragement to be active outside in the garden, too!

Regular cooking sessions enable the children to practise a range of physical skills particularly hand-eye coordination. Movements such as cutting, peeling, grating and stirring strengthen children's hands. Preparing their own food also gives children a sense of pride and competence. It becomes even more fun if a trip to the local shops is invoved!

80th Anniversary of D-Day landings

On 6th  June we marked the 80th anniversary of D-Day. This was an opportunity to talk about peace, bravery and remembrance in an age appropriate manner.

We thought back to Remembrance Day where we made poppies and where we learned that poppies are used as a symbol of remembrance for those who fought in wars. We know we have poppies in our garden, we went outside for a moment of prayer and we talked about the importance of peace, friendship, empathy and understanding.

Making our wormery

5 Little People in a Flying Saucer.....

We created a painting to sell at the ball!

We enjoy building with H blocks

Mr Tumble Songs - There's a Worm at the Bottom of the Garden 🐛

Sing and sign with Mr Tumble from Something Special to this nursery rhyme, There's a Worm at the Bottom of the Garden! s.

Yucky Worms! Read Aloud Children's Book

Read Aloud Children's Book. Yucky Worms! By Vivian French, illustrated by Jessica Ahlberg.

Errol's Garden

Story & Illustration: Gillian Hibbs Digital reproduction: Glen Thomas Rideout Music: Merry-Go-Boogie-Round, David Carr Glover Music Direction & Piano: Allison Halerz Narration: Rev. Cassandra Hartley

We love to express ourselves through art

We enjoy stories and songs together

We have enjoyed taking care of the babies in our baby clinic.

The Good Samaritian

Do you regognise the ingredients? What did we make?

Signs of spring in our garden


We have been practicing making patterns in lots of different ways.


Paloma’s mum kindly came in a planted some bulbs with us. We will be keeping a really close eye on the planters in the garden waiting for them to grow. We gathered compost from our compost bin and worked together to plant bulbs. We even found a worm!

We know during winter there isn’t many berries around for the birds to eat.

We decided to make some to hang in the garden.

We painted the cardboard tubes with honey and rolled them in a bird seed mix.

We then decided where in the garden would be a good place to hang them.

We helped clean our mud kitchen utensils.

PETE THE CAT & His Four Groovy Buttons | Book Trailer & Music Video

Pete the Cat and His Four Groovy Buttons
In maths we have been learning about numbers to 4.
We have been enjoying the story Pete the Cat and His Four Groovy Buttons.

We celebrated Epiphany by listening to the story and creating crowns and taking gifts to Baby Jesus.

Opposites and The Holy Family

4th January 2024 - 9th February

We have begun this term looking at the Epiphany, when Jesus was visited by the Wise men, who brought gifts of Gold, Frankincense and Myrrh. We made crowns and presents for Jesus.

We have discussed our new topics of Opposites and The Holy Family.

Throughout Opposites we will be looking at light and dark, holes, contrasts and opposites.

Within the Holy Family we will be looking at Jesus as a small child, Jesus love for small children and the story of The Good Samaritan. Thinking how we can be compassionate and caring for others each day.

Super Loud Colourful Fireworks! | My First Bonfire Night | CBeebies

Super Loud Colourful Fireworks! | My First Bonfire Night | CBeebies Watch these exciting colourful and loud fireworks as we celebrate this first Bonfire and Guy Fawkes night in CBeebies My First Festivals. Watch CBeebies full episodes on BBC iPlayer CBeebies is dedicated to delighting and surprising its pre-school audience and it remains the UK's most watched and most loved channel for the under-sixes.

Storm Ciaran

Still image for this video
We enjoyed listening to and watching the rain Storm Ciaran brought!

One day a fire fighter came to visit…

He told us all about his job. We got to try on some of his uniform. Firefighter Lewis showed us how water travels through the hose using our own hoses and water tray.    We created some small world play where we had to put of the fires.

All Saints Day

This week we have begun our new topic of Autumn Magic. We have been observing the changes around us. We have been working of our fine motor control with activities such as threading, using tweezers and moulding playdough. Together we are settling back into the routines of our nursery day.

This week we have been learning lots about fireworks, we have thought about some words to describe fireworks, talked about firework safety and created our very own firework pictures. 

Michael Rosen performs We're Going on a Bear Hunt For a quarter of a century, readers have been swishy-swashying and splash-sploshing through the award-winning favourite picture book We're Going on a Bear Hunt by Michael Rosen, illustrated by Helen Oxenbury In this video, Michael Rosen performs the book - why not sing along with your copy at home!

A Great Big Cuddle

You can safely browse more videos like Michael Rosen Chocolate Cake on the Official Michael Rosen channel A Great Big Cuddle | POEM | | Compilation Kids' Poems and Stories With Michael RosenCuddle - Poems For The Very Young', With pictures by Chris Riddell, Published by Walker Books.

How can you help your child to settle in?


Practise our prayers

Each day we gather together to say a morning prayer, a lunchtime prayer and an afternoon prayer.

Morning Prayer

Lunch Time Prayer

Home Time Prayer

Oh my God,

You love me,

You are with me night and day,

I want to love you always,

In all I do and say,

I try to please you Father,

Bless me through this day.



Bless us O Lord

As we sit together,

Bless the food

We eat today,

Bless the hands that make our food,

Bless us O Lord.



God our Father

I come to say,

Thank you for your love today,

Thank you for my family,

And all the friends you give to me

Guard me in the dark of night,

And in the morning send your light.




Read a story under our awning before school

We have a selection of books to read under our awning.  You can spend a few quiet minutes reading with your child before the day begins to settle them before you say goodbye. 


Build their confidence to become an independent individual

Each child has their own peg, please encourage your child to hang up their coats, jumpers and cardigans here. Build their physical skills by practising pulling clothing up and down, before and after using the toilet.   Practise going to the toilet and washing and drying hands properly.


Say goodbye to your child

Get to school in good time so you can say a proper goodbye to your child with a reassuring hug, particularly if they are occasionally worried about coming to school.  If you are late, your child may feel rushed and this may make separation difficult.


Collect your child with a smile

Your child has had a busy day.  Greet them with a smile not your phone.  Talk to them about their day, tell them about yours, get down to their level if you can.  It is a long day; they have missed you.


Share their WOW moments with us

Please share your child's WOW moments with us. We want to know about their WOW moments and love finding out about some of the positive things they have done at home;  we will share them with their friends, too. There are WOW moment slips on our nursery board. 

Curriculum Map Autumn 1

1 5 8 3 6 1 Visitors
OUTSTANDING OFSTED & CSI 2024 'With Love at the core of all we do at The Good Shepherd we: Learn to Love together, Love to Learn together, pray together and play together. Putting our faith into action. Growing in the Love and Truth of Christ in His Church for the benefit of all.'