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The Good Shepherd

Catholic Primary School

“I am the Good Shepherd; I know my own and my own know me”. John 10:14"


Allergies Animation

Still image for this video
Last term, Imogen (Year 6) and Aiyana (Year 5) played a key role in creating an animation that skilfully incorporates the voices, images, and real-life experiences of children with allergies. This initiative is dedicated to educating both children and adults about medical conditions, specifically focusing on allergies. From the captivating images to the engaging narration, the girls have done an exceptional job in helping bring this project to life.

World Mental Health Day

Tuesday 10th October marked World Mental Health Day. The official theme for this year's event was 'Mental health is a universal human right'. We attended assembly this morning where we spoke about what our mental health is and how we can look after it. Miss Howard wrote us a song, which we all learned along with actions. We wore yellow to raise awareness.

We had a fantastic day at The Good Shepherd's beach. The beach day was organized to promote children's wellbeing and to provide them with the opportunity to participate in activities together. Activities throughout the day included:

  • Summer photo booth and disco
  • Swimming 
  • Giant slide
  • Ice cream and party games
  • Magic sand

Our Department for Wellbeing took the lead on planning 'Mental Health Awareness Week'. Each day, we had a different activity linked to making us more aware of our mental health and promoting strategies which improve our mental health.

  • Day 1: Squiggle
  • Day 2: Wake and shake
  • Day 3: Paired play
  • Day 4: Putty therapy in the playground
  • Day 5: Whole school wake and shake during assembly

Year 6 Funpact Secondary School Workshop

Year 6 took part in a workshop which supported their transition to secondary school. They learned how to follow a secondary school timetable, as well as getting to ask important questions that were worrying them.

Now Press Play is used to enrich our learning in many areas of PSHRE.

MIND Dropdown Day

Children in Year 6 were treated to an all-day mental health workshop run by the mental health charity, MIND in preparation for their transition to secondary school. They completed activities based around three main themes: 5 Ways to well-being; Coping with Change; and Mindfulness.

Year 6 TFL Workshop

Year 6 children were treated to a TfL workshop where they learned about how to keep safe when using public transport, particularly in preparation for secondary school. They also learned what they can do if they ever feel unsafe or if someone else is in danger while using public transport.

NHS Connecting Care for Children Assembly

Years 5 and 6 took part in an assembly led by paediatrics doctors working with 'Connecting Care for Children' at St Mary's Hospital. Connecting Care for Children is a scheme set up by a group of consultant paediatricians, local GPs and other healthcare professionals to improve healthcare for children and young people in the local area. Children learned about the importance of having a healthy diet.

Children's Mental Health Week

For Children's Mental Health Week, Racha spoke to us in assembly about this year's theme 'Let's Connect'. 

Mental Health Week

Each year group took part in a variety of activities linked to this year's theme theme 'Let's Connect'. 

Pupils from nursery to Year 6 took part in the A-life Healthy workshop. They had a hands-on experience, allowing them to delve in and explore the various activities based on healthy lifestyles. Pupils engaged in variety of different activities set up around the hall in stations. 

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OUTSTANDING OFSTED & CSI 2024 'With Love at the core of all we do at The Good Shepherd we: Learn to Love together, Love to Learn together, pray together and play together. Putting our faith into action. Growing in the Love and Truth of Christ in His Church for the benefit of all.'