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The Good Shepherd

Catholic Primary School

“I am the Good Shepherd; I know my own and my own know me”. John 10:14"


Elections of 2021/22 FROGS Committee:

Chairperson Maria Cadbury- Parent of children in year 2 and year 3
Vice Chairperson Araminta Curci- Parent of child in year 3
Treasurer  Jonathan Wilkes- Parent of child in Reception
Secretary Anouska Schmitt- Parent of children in Reception and year 2

FROGS- The role of the Class Reps
The role of the class reps is to act as WhatsApp communication conduit from school and PTA to 
and from the individual year group’s parents, assist with/at school events – including fundraising 
and entertainment; particularly the class hampers at Christmas and Summer fairs, end of year 
thank-you gifts.

• Nursery – Open / to be determined – Please let the committee know if you are 
• Reception – Anouska & Sarah
• Year 1 – Guadalupe & Oribell 
• Year 2 – Sarah & Maria
• Year 3 – Cedric & Oribell
• Year 4 – Sarah & Pam
• Year 5 – Allegra & Sinead
• Year 6 – Tory & Suzie



As parents of children in this school you are all members of the FROGS. The FROGS raise much needed funds through a variety of fun events each year. Look out for more information in this section coming soon with details on how the funds are being spent and the exciting events coming up soon.


FROGS Committee 2019/2020


Chair of FROGS                Allegra Barrett (mum of Delilah in Year 6 and Rosa in Year 3)

Vice Chair                         Beatrice Mechleb and Tori Lodder                                                 

Treasurer                          Gary O'Brien

Assistant Treasurer           Isabel Fletcher

Secretary                          Nicki Tracey and Louise Dewar

Staff member                   Anne McGuigan (elected by staff)


The Good Shepherd

List of Class Reps 19/20



Gosia                       Helen          Emma           Clare                       Serena




Tafetta                       TBC

(mother of Gus)           (mother of )


Year 1

Karine                         Vanessa

(mother of Neils)       (mother of )


Year 2

Gosia                       Jadie             Heidi

(mother of Olivia)    (Rock)   (Mother of Grace)


Year 3



Year 4

Gosia                                 Isobel                    Helen                  Suzie

(mother of Olivia)     (mother of Darcy)    (mother of     )      (mother of Stella)


Year 5

Clare                                   Tory                              Nicky

(mother of Cameron)  (mother of  Cosima)       (mother of Fintan)


Year 6

Allegra                               Isobel                       Beatrice

(mother of Delilah)     (mother of Darcy)         (mother of Lara)





Mrs Lavelle's FROGS presentation

1 4 9 4 5 8 Visitors
With Love at the core of all we do at The Good Shepherd we: Learn to Love together, Love to Learn together, pray together and play together. Putting our faith into action. Growing in the Love and Truth of Christ in His Church for the benefit of all.