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The Good Shepherd

Catholic Primary School

“I am the Good Shepherd; I know my own and my own know me”. John 10:14"

Section 48 Inspection

Diocesan Inspection Report 2014

The latest RE report completed by the Diocese of Westminster in October 2018. The Chief Inspector of Schools, Jane Goring, said the following:



Congratulations to you, governors, leadership team and staff on this wonderful diocesan inspection report!


It was a delight to read how objective observers were inspired by the work you do at Good Shepherd to enrich the educational experience for your pupils in such a rigorous and exciting way. Shining through the report was the way in which your pupils are being developed as leaders – in participating in liturgy and particularly in supporting the Common Good. I was impressed by the rich and vibrant prayer life of the school, the focus on issues of social justice, using ‘Laudato Si’ as a vehicle for change, and the ways in which the pupils are given so many opportunities to become the person God created them to be. I was impressed by your engagement with parents and the parish as you create a truly cohesive outstanding Catholic community. What also came through as a real strength was the ways in which you are working to make classroom religious education the best it can be, building the pupils’ religious literacy and their ability to articulate their faith with such enthusiasm.


As always it is the quality of leadership, the vision and inspiration of the head and her leadership team, together with governors, that enables a school to ensure pupils receive the best quality of Catholic education.


With every good wish and warmest congratulations.


Jane Goring

Chief Inspector of Schools

Diocese of Westminster

Diocesan Inspection Report 2018

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With Love at the core of all we do at The Good Shepherd we: Learn to Love together, Love to Learn together, pray together and play together. Putting our faith into action. Growing in the Love and Truth of Christ in His Church for the benefit of all.